I let him chase me until i caught him, but who is he? 39

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"Pandora! Pandora! Pandora"

The crowd kept on chanting the band's name as they wait for the concert to start. Screaming fans.. thousands of them... cant wait to see their idols. Not knowing in four months time something big will happen.

The stage started to light up as John and the other guys show up on stage.. tuning their instruments. The screams of all the girls can be heard miles away from the concert ground whenever one of the guys flashes them their smile.

Cheers came even louder when Jea showed up on stage. dressed as her usual clothing when on concerts. Black hot topic shirt and skinny jeans.. her lucky pendant and wristband are on. Her makeup a little dark but perfect on her pale white skin.. making her look fierce yet strikingly beautful.. especially with  her golden eyes..

"Are you guys ready!" Her voice kept ringing on everyone's ears. Soft yet striking.. Hyping everyone's energy.

She captivated everyone's heart in a matter seconds in the first song. John, Jazz, MJ and even the guy behind the drums, Jesse, got the girl's heart while playing. It was an intense and lively scene.. everybody are having a good time.

As the concert ended, they left the building and headed for the studio for recording. their schedule was so hectic today that they cant even enjoy eating their dinner. Who could eat dinner properly when everything is moving around? The bumpy road made Jesse carsick. He didnt even touched his food.

"I miss sleeping!" Jazz yawned. He looked at Jea... sweat dripping on her neck and she's tired as he is.

"well this is what we get for holding everything so that our school performance wont get affected." John reasoned and place a bag of ice above his eyes.

Jea yawned.. Jazz caressed her cheeks and pulled her to his shoulder.. making it a pillow for her.. "thanks.." she smiled.. making Jazz smile too.

Jea closed her eyes for a bit and fell asleep quickly..

Her phone rang and she stirred but didnt wake up.. The other 4 just looked at the phone.. Jazz picked it up and saw Anthony's name on the screen.

"let it go to voicemail" Jazz said as he tossed the phone back on the other seat. The other three didnt argue with him... they are too tired to argue with Jazz.

In a matter of minute.. the call went to voicemail. "Hey... ummm.. ahh.. how's the concert??.. sorry, I couldnt go.. Pam's fever hasnt gone down yet... well... dont forget to eat your dinner... come visit tomorrow okay.." Anthony's voice sound nervous yet gentle. Jazz snorted...

"that makes it the 13th time today since he called... you should be worried Jazz.." Jesse teased.

Jazz rolled his eyes... "Why would I be worried??" He said that but deep inside.. he wants to smash that phone.

He looked at the phone and it lighted up again.. MJ was the who looked at it this time.. "its from Mark" He laughed and showed Jazz the screen.

Jazz is totally pissed right now but he tried to remain calm... Jea dig her head deeper on Jazz's side and hugged him... sleeping soundly.. Jazz cant help but smile..

I shouldnt get angry... I'm Jea's boyfriend right now and not them.. She's right here besides me and hugging me... I shouldnt get jealous... Jazz said in his head but there's something inside him that saying he's just convincing himself that Jea is his..

"hey Jazz.." Jazz looked up to John and gave him a quizzical look. "what if Jea chooses one of them?? how would you handle it?" John asked with seriousness on his voice..

silence came... none of them talked or even coughed.. Jazz looked like he was going to faint.. His face turned pale and his eyes are getting teary. He clenched his teeth tight and blinked back his tears...

and finally... he answered. "I'll give up... there's nothing more I can do.." his voice cracked... "I... I love her too much to the point I'll just be happy seeing her happy... its kind of ironic since I find that really stupid and corny and I wont do something like that but..." he looked at Jea.. "If she'll smile more brightly and more genuinely than she does right now... I'll backed off even though it hurts.." Tears fell from his eyes.. he wiped it quickly.. He knows that Jea has been faking smiles.. He observes her for a long time to not missed it... He also knows that Jea's heart is not fully his... She never said 'i love you' once ever since they became a couple..

Jesse and MJ just smiled weakly.. patting Jazz on the back.. John patted his head.. John hates to admit it but he is beginning to gain more respect to Jazz.. he knows Jazz's feelings very well.. Because Anne... he shook off the thought...

On the other hand... Jea was listening to the entire conversation.. yes... her eyes and body is asleep but her mind isnt... she can hear and understand everything they said.. her heart was breaking.. She didnt know that she hurts Jazz that much.. and she'll continue hurting him more.. no.. not only Jazz but also Mark and Anthony, if she didnt choose.. She didnt wants this... she never wanted this...

Tears forming inside her eyelids but she just rubbed her face on Jazz's chest.. pretending to be asleep but actually stopping her tears... "I'm sorry..." She mumbled for only Jazz to hear... Jazz just thought she was just talking in her sleep..

"okay... time to wake Jea up... we're here" MJ said and was the first one to get out.. followed by John and Jesse..

Jazz woke up Jea and was about to walk out but Jea pulled his hand.. he was startled and looked at Jea bewildered.. Jea smiled and kissed him on the cheek... "thank you... for everything..." She said and got out... leaving Jazz behind... feeling bliss in his own little world...

(end of Chapter 39)

I let him chase me until i caught him, but who is he?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon