chapter twenty four

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christmas was so close, jisoo could taste it. it was in less than two weeks away with winter taking over and the pathways hidden under snow with christmas lights wrapping themselves around suburban houses. the overall festive aura gave jisoo a sense of kindliness. speaking of christmas, jisoo had to prepare seokmin's christmas present. he had decided only a few days ago when wandering around his home in a slight panic that he would be drawing something for seokmin. at first, it was only going to be a portrait of the younger but then jisoo decided that he wanted to go an extra step but had no idea what that would be.

he then recalled the balcony in seokmin's sky-rise apartment that his boyfriend spent most of his free time sitting on. usually, when jisoo would walk out of the study to take a break from what seemed like endless school work, he would always be greeted with seokmin's broad back facing him with a warm drink in his hand. jisoo thought it was winsome and found himself leaning against the wall while watching seokmin continuing to be engrossed in the city view. jisoo didn't want to interrupt seokmin in his moment but expected that seokmin sat out there because it was peaceful and he found refuge after a full day of stress. so, with that,  jisoo had set his mind on painting seokmin's city view that he so adored.

the american born man sauntered to his bedroom and collected his art supplies. granted, as jisoo was still an amateur and aspiring artist, he did have much but made do with what he was given. but, with the blank canvass paper laying out in front of him, jisoo had no idea where to begin. he had glanced upon seokmin's face almost every day, knowing his features and expressions; the beautiful image had planted into jisoo's mind months and moths ago. even so, jisoo still needed a reference so the portrait wouldn't turn out wonky. he couldn't even start doing the balcony view because he wasn't at seokmin's house.

jisoo sighed. there was no point in stressing, there were two weeks until christmas anyway so the older had a lot of time but he had hyped himself up for making seokmin's present that he felt somewhat incomplete. so, that's when jisoo got up from his rolling chair and slide on his coat and shoes. he pulled his hood over his head and searched around his room for the polaroid camera he had gotten as a gift from his parents before moving to korea. they wanted him to document his experiences in the foreign country so that he could look back on them, but jisoo had yet to use it in the last two years.

what jisoo wanted to do was go around places where he and seokmin had either gone on dates or had just visited over the last holidays. he thought it would be a good way to flash back to how their relationship had developed in these few months but before he left, jisoo went around the house to find somethings that himself and seokmin had attached memorises to. one was a simple black hoodie with white text across the chest. jisoo owed millions of hoodies in all different colours, lengths and they all fitted him differently but this hoodie was special to the american because it belonged to seokmin.

when they first started going out and jisoo was staying over at seokmin's house, he always found himself becoming attracted to this particular hoodie. maybe it was the way it smelt strongly of seokmin's scent or how much more comfortable it felt than his own hoodies. either way, jisoo couldn't take the damn thing off so seokmin just gave it to him. jisoo had been too afraid to wash it when he returned home as he didn't want the smell of his new obtained boyfriend to leave him but now seokmin was constantly pressed against jisoo that thinking about little things such as smells or small touches didn't concern him anymore.

another photo jisoo had taken was of the little corner in his living where blankets knotted together and pillows were thrown messily, resting on top of said blankets. that was the aftermath of an attempt fort build. the attempt was successful, yes, and it was a damn good time in under those blankets and being surrounded by pillows. the fairy lights added a nice comforting touch; relaxing. but having to fold everything and put them back into the closet made jisoo want to fall face first onto the ground, which he did do. so, he had left them there for about two weeks and the couple would be proud to say that they have had some damn good naps in that corner together.

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