Paroxysm | Chapter 3

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The empty hallways slowly filled themselves with more and more students after the bell rang, and you were one of them, making your way through the mass.
Once you reached your locker and stored your things in it, it's door got pushed close, making you flinch and look into the direction of the person standing next to you. Nicole smiled brightly as she let go of the doorknob.
"Hey Nicole.", you smiled, putting your backpack on after closing it.
"Hey. It's lunch time now, you want to go?"
"Yes, but I actually promised Taehyung to sit with him at lunch. He wanted to introduce me to his friends, so I took the opportunity. But you are invited too, if you want to."
Nicole's eyes were wide open, but she soon started to smirk like an idiot and wiggled her brows at you.
"Well well well, look how quickly you caught his attention. Consider yourself lucky, some girls tried the same for years, unsuccessful." Slightly blushing, you hit her arm and started walking towards the canteen. Nicole followed you and once you two arrived, she pointed to the right, where you saw Taehyung sitting at a table with 3 other boys, chatting and laughing at something. You started walking towards them, putting some hair behind your ear. Taehyung was the first to notice your presence. He looked up and smiled while waving.
"Hey (y/n). Oh, and hey Nicole.", he said, looking at your friend behind you. You made your way around the table to sit down next to the older male.
"Hey.", was the only thing you said, due to your rather shy personality. Nicole placed herself right next to you.
"So, let me introduce you to these gentlemen." Taehyung looked at the blonde guy that sat opposite from you.
"Yeah, uhm, I'm Yoongi.", he said, raising his hand lazily, just to let it drop down again.
"Hello, I am Hoseok. It's nice to meet you." The redhead next to Yoongi smiled at you as if he was the happiest person in this whole wide world. You tried to smile back, but you knew it looked rather strange. The tall guy to  Hoseok's left let out a chuckle and reached over the table to shake your hand.
"It's nice to meet you. I am Seokjin, but just call me Jin." You took his hand, which was surprisingly warm and smiled at him. Jin let go and sat back down normally again. They all looked at you as if they were waiting for something. You seemed to look really confused, because Taehyung tapped you on the shoulder.
"You should introduce yourself too, I think.", he said while laughing a little.
"Oh fuck you're right. I am (y/n), it's nice to meet you too. And that's Nicole.", you said, pointing at her.
"Whoa, what's with the swearing? I like that.", Yoongi said while crossing his arms and smiling.
"Ok, now that you guys know each other, let's get something to eat, I am starving.", Taehyung said, already standing up.

After you all had something to eat and sat down again, the boys started talking to you and Nicole. You soon felt incorporated and were happy Taehyung introduced you to his friends.

The days went by and as soon as you know the first week was already over. You continued on talking to Taehyung and your now friends, and even Nicole was part of this constellation. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin turned out to be quite funny and pleasant to talk to, so it was always nice talking to them.
Since you had a lot of classes with Taehyung, he was the one you were closest to by now. Sure, you did have to admit, he was really handsome and caring, but at the moment you couldn't imagine more than just a friendship. The two of you barely knew each other for more than a week, and, although you noticed him being really charming and even a little bit flirtatious towards you, you didn't want to jump into conclusion. He was a great friend and was one of the first ones you made at your new school, despite the lacking of social skills, so you decided it should stay that way for now.

It was Monday by now and you just finished your first class, physics. You were never a big fan of physics, so you didn't really understand a lot.
But Taehyung did.
He made sure to try and explain everything to you, but you still didn't understand a single thing.
Packing all your belongings, you looked at him and gave a weak smile.
"Look, I have always been bad at this kind of stuff, you really don't need to make an effort. I'll just try to study a bit harder and it'll work out." Taehyung laughed and gave you his cute box smile while shaking his head.
"No, I won't give up this quick. You have English now, right? We will meet at our lunch table later, and I'll explain it." As soon as you wanted to say something, he shushed you and started walking towards the door before waving goodbye and then disappearing.

English class was pretty boring since you didn't really know anyone.
Except for...
"Dean! Holy crap you scared the shit out of me!" The brown haired male laughed at your reaction before handing you a paper with some exercises on it.
"The teacher told me to hand these out. Guess we're doing some group work today.", he said while looking at the exercises.
"Mind joining our group?" He pointed towards three males leaning on a door. You assumed those were his friends.
"Yeah sure, why not?"

After the teacher had arrived and actually announced a group project, you teamed up with Dean and his group. The boys introduced themselves as Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin. They all smiled at you.
They looked like quite tough guys, but didn't behave that way whatsoever.
The five of you talked about what to do until the class ended and decided to meet up sometime this week to discuss how the project should go.

After arriving at lunch, you saw Taehyung already sitting at your regular table, with the boys and Nicole opposite from him.
"Hey, look who finally arrived.", Yoongi said sarcastically. You sat down next to Taehyung at got your physics book out.
"Yeah yeah sorry we had to do a project in English class."
"It's okay, don't worry, Yoongi's just being a dick like always. Ok, let's just start learning, shall we?"

After around 15 minutes you threw your pen on the table and leaned back.
"That's it. That's officially it. I will never get this. I am sorry TaeTae, but not even you are able to help me." You let out a loud sigh, and put your head on the table.
"You will, I am sure, I am not going to let you fail if I can teach yo- wait a minute." Turning your head, you saw Taehyung grinning at you like an idiot, to which you narrowed your brows.
"I am going to be your private tutor."

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