Selenophile | Chapter 16

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"They found him, (Y/n)."

Some boy next to you looked up.

"They did?" None of you answered him, being busy processing what new information you were just provided with. What were you supposed to do now? Where did they even find him? Taehyung held your hands, looking down at his feet. He looked as if he was about to start crying.

"Where? Where, Taehyung?" He looked up, staring at you, trying to figure out how you were feeling. He was so worried. He didn't want you to get hurt or to get involved in this whole mess he created out of pure anger. If it weren't for his mental state, everything could've gone much different. He would've asked you out, he would've protected you, and he would've made sure to call the police on Dean. But he couldn't change the things that happened now. He could only hope for the best.

"The lake." You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. Out of all the places he could've chosen, he chose the lake? Taehyung started dragging you towards the school's entrance, exiting the building, and walking to the other side of the street, where it was a lot more quiet. As soon as you had left the building, the cold air had engulfed your body, seeming to let all the blood in your body freeze at an instant. A few snowflakes had established themselves on to your hair, creating little dust-like patterns on it. You soon came to a halt on the other side, allowing you to finally look at your boyfriend. His breathing created little clouds of smoke, fading away after only seconds. You took in a deep breath.

"YOU CHOSE WHAT PLACE??!" Trying not to be so loud, it came out more hoarse than you intended on, but you didn't care. Nothing other than the fact that he would probably end up in jail mattered anymore.

"Please calm down. I am sorry, I totally panicked! What would you have done if you were me?!"

"Well, I don't know, Taehyung, I am not the one with some messed up mental problems!"

It only took you a second to realize what you said. You clasped your hands over your mouth and shook your head. Taehyung had stopped breathing for a few moments, looking at you without blinking, his lips slightly parted. You weren't sure what he was thinking, what he was about to do. All you knew is that what you said wasn't what you truly thought about him, it just came out. He lowered his head after about 20 seconds of just looking at each other, and took a few steps back.

"No no no, I am so sorry, that isn't what I meant, I-"

"It's okay." Taehyung had, once again, lifted up his head to look at you, now having on the slightest of smile. Of course, it was fake, but you didn't mention it. It wasn't until you noticed how red his nose was getting, that you put your focus on the upper part of his face and saw the tiny tears running down his cheek, tracing the outline of his face. You immediately felt even more guilty than you had before.

"No it's not okay Taehyung. I didn't mean that. Believe me. I am just so overwhelmed right now, I don't know what to do. Taehyung, I love you, I would never want to hurt you." You yourself were surprised by the words coming out of your mouth, but you couldn't deny that they weren't true. Even though Taehyung did have a lot of issues, you fell in love with him as a person, and his personality didn't change, even after all the things he had done.                                              Taehyung had his eyes wide open at this point, and before you knew it, he had stepped forward and had placed his lips on yours. They were cold, but seemed to perfectly fit on yours, almost as if they were completing each other. As soon as he pulled away, the cold air once again seemed to place itself around your form. He placed his forehead on yours, looking you in the eyes.

"Listen, (Y/n), I know you didn't mean what you said, but you are right. I need to change myself. I... I need to go into therapy again. But first of all, I have to get out of here. I can't risk them finding out about me, and trust me, they will."

"Where do you want to go Tae?" He let out a deep breath and fumbled around with your hands still in his, before interlacing them with one another.

"Daejeon, maybe. My aunt lives there."

"A-and what about your parents? Won't they be worried?" He just let out a slight chuckle.

"My dad left my mom and I when I was 8, and my mom is usually on business trips. There is not really anyone that cares about me."

"But I care about you.", you cried out, now having tears running down to the tip of your nose. Taehyung placed his hand on the back of your head and placed a kiss on to your forehead, his lips quivering, and you weren't sure if it was from the cold or due to him crying.

After you two had parted, he smiled down at you and started stroking your hair.

"I love you so much. You will never know. Please don't do anything stupid. I love you." And with that, he took several steps back, before completely tunring around and walking down the street. You could do nothing but just watch him leave, his figure becoming smaller and smaller as he walked towards to what you assumed would be his way home or wherever he would find his means of transportation to get him to Daejeon. You didn't cry anymore, were feeling too empty to even think about anything other than what to do yourself, until a sudden idea came to your mind. You started running, everything seeming to go in slow motion.

"Taehyung, wait!", you shouted, quickly catching up with the boy that was now standing in front of you once again. He looked confused, as if he wasn't believing that you were next to him again. Chest rising and falling, you clenched your fists together and pursed your lips, pondering over your decision one last time, but it didn't even take you a second to decide that what you were about to do was the right thing.

"I am coming with you."

Taehyung looked as if he was about to either jump up from joy or break down because of worry, but instead of doing one of those things, he just nodded and smiled at you, taking your hand once again and walking off.

Sure, the whole thing was absolutely crazy, and you were getting yourself involved into something you wouldn't even have had anything to do with otherwise, but maybe, after all the stuff that happened, you were going insane, too, at least a little bit.

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