Nipan | Chapter 11

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The sun was directly shining onto your face, which was why it woke you up. Slowly opening your eyes, you realized that this, in fact, wasn't your room. The walls were all painted white, except for one, which was pitch black and had some posters on it. Even the bed sheets weren't yours.

Suddenly, realisation hit you, once you felt the arm around your waist pulling you into someone's chest. Taehyung's chest, to be specific. He asked you to sleep at his house last night because of the things that happened at the party. You tried to convince him that you didn't even have any spare clothes with you or anything, but he gave you one of his oversized band tees. You two were up until almost 5 a.m, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Sometimes, Taehyung would just stare at you with a small smile on his lips, caressing your cheek or tracing the outlines of your face. He would even give you the occasional peck on the lips, or a deep kiss. You weren't used to this kind of attention, so you most of the time hid underneath the blankets, hoping he wouldn't notice the very noticeable blush on your cheeks. It made you even cuter in his opinion.

Your back was pressed against his chest by now, with his face burried in the crook of your neck, you being able to feel his breath on your skin. It sent shivers down your spine.

Not knowing what to do, you turned around, still in his embrace, to face him. He was still sleeping peacefully, his eyes forming an almond shape and his lips slightly parted. You were so busy admiring his features, that you didn't notice him opening his eyes. Once you did, you tried to look anywhere but at him, to which he only chuckled.

"Good morning, my angel.", he said, his voice still raspy and even lower than normally. It made him even more attractive.

"G-good morning.", you responded, not being used to situations like this. He was your first boyfriend after all.

You two were still laying in bed, an hour later, cuddling and talking about random things, when suddenly, a questions popped into your mind. You actually had this question for a longer time now, but never dared to ask. Now seemed like a good time.


"Yes, my angel?", he answered, humming a little afterwards.

"What did Dean mean when he said new possesion? Have you had a girlfriend before?" You were very nervous. You didn't want him to get mad, but you just needed to know. Taehyung had stopped stroking his thumb on your side by now, and it was as if you could grab the tension that was in the air by now. After nearly a minute of him not answering, you figured he didn't want to talk about it and didn't like you reminding him of it.

"I-It's okay if you don't want to answer, I am sorry, I shouldn't have ask-"

"Mina. Her name was Mina. She was Dean's sister." Your eyes were wide open by this point. You turned around again and tried looking him in the eyes, but he was staring off into somewhere.

"She... she wasn't my girlfriend or anything. Me and Dean were good friends once, you know? Back in middle school. I didn't know about my disorder back then." You felt sorry for him. Truly sorry. It was as if you could feel the pain oozing off of his voice as he spoke.


"We all kind of grew up together, so I saw her as kind of my own little sister aswell. We would always joke around with each other, the three of us. But I think, as we grew older, and she was starting to get into boys, I just coudln't handle it. She was always the cute, little sister, and I loved her as much as if she was my own one. Not in a romantic way, not at all, but in a family way. So I kind of... snapped. It started with nothing big, like telling her that she is too young and asking her if she really is sure about the boys she was seeing or was interested in. But over the months, I just became so... immersed by the thought of what those boys could do to her. I didn't want her to get hurt, so every time I saw her, I would pull her to the side and tell her that she shouldn't go and meet any boy because they could hurt her. The first one or two times, she took it as kind of a joke or just a brotherly thing, so she didn't tell anyone. But she soon became kind of scared to meet me, fearing that I would scream at her or something."

You weren't sure of what to say or do, so you just grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"One day, it was getting too much. She had a boy over, and Dean was downstairs getting us something to eat. So I went into her room, pulled her away from the boy she was talking to, and locked her into the bathroom. She cried and screamed, and she looked so horrified. I tried to calm her down, telling her that it was the right thing to do and I just didn't want her to get hurt, but she didn't listen to me. I know it was wrong, but... I just couldn't help it. Once Dean knew what happened, he threw me out of the house and never really talked to me again, except for the insults he throws at me from time to time. I heard Mina didn't dare to talk to a single boy for half a year, being afraid of me finding out about it. God, I am so stupid."

Taehyung was grabbing his hair and hiding his face in his hands, the two of you sitting up by now. You knew that what he did was wrong, and he knew, too. But you couldn't help but to embrace him. He hesitated, but then hugged you back.

"What you did was wrong, Tae. But I know you are a good person. I just know. I am here for you, okay?" You couldn't really hide the fact that a few tears were rolling down your face. Taehyung noticed, of course, and pulled away from the hug to wipe them away, like he always did.

"I love you so fucking much, (Y/n). You don't even know."

He didn't want to tell you about the part where he threatened Dean to hurt him when he didn't tell him where his sister was, but Taehyung felt like that was just another part of a story that shouldn't have happened at all.

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