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"Where the hell could they be? It's past the time they should be home!"

I said to Seth as I dialed Aria's number.

"Honey, Aria is almost 16. Noah is 15. Let them have some freedom."

Seth said.

"They can have freedom if they just tell me where the hell they're going!"

I yelled.

"We're home!"

I heard a voice yell from the front door.

"Where the hell have you two been? You should've been home an hour ago!"

I said to Aria and Noah.

"We just got a bite to eat and took the long way home."

Aria said.

"Whatever. As long as you guys are safe. Don't do it again."

I scolded them as I sighed.

Later That Night

I fed Mason a bottle as I looked up to see all the kids and Seth watching Fergal and Seth's match from years ago at Summerslam. The kids had a natural love for wrestling and Seth and I couldn't tell them no to watching this match.

"Get em, Dad!"

Noah yelled as Fergal did a move.

"Yeah, kick his ass!"

Aria cheered.

"Hey! Little ears!"

I said as I looked at Aria and covered Brooklyn's ears. I looked over at Seth who was looking really uncomfortable.

"Coup De Grâce! Coup De Grâce!"

Noah cheered as Fergal got on the top rope and did his signature move.

"1! 2! 3! Yes! In your face sucker!"

Aria yelled at Seth. I could tell Seth was getting annoyed.

"My dad will always kick your ass!"

Noah yelled at Seth. I have never, ever seen Aria and Noah like this.

"Okay, that's enough for tonight,"

Seth said as he turned the TV off and went to the bedroom.

"I think it's time for bed guys."

I said as I finished feeding Mason and carried him and Brooklyn to the nursery. What the hell has gotten into Aria and Noah??

happily ever after.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt