On The Road So Far

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"Hold the ladder still Tanner!"

"It's not my fault that you keep moving around so much Gunner!"

The two friend bickered while Gunner finished making the roof for the newest home added to the village for Mike.

Two years had passed and search parties for more Shadowers in hiding was constant, more people found everyday. People had started gradually accepting the Shadowers as friends, treating them as equals instead of enemies.

But not everyone.

Occasionally riots would rise up and some damage would be caused before Felix would be able to calm the people down with the promise that the Shadowers won't hurt anyone or mess with anyone's shadows.

"Got it!" Gunner exclaimed once he finished sticking the thatch roof together and tested its durability.

Gunner climbed down the ladder and gave Tanner a high five before helping him return the ladder back where they kept the tools used to build or repair things in the village.

Mark was sitting outside next to Nate on a patch of grass and listened to him sing while he strummed the guitar he had made himself out of wood and tightly wound bits of rope for strings.

"I wish I could play guitar." Mark sighed wistfully as he watched Nate's fingers absent mindlessly pluck at the strings.

"You'll learn." Nate assured him with a confident smile.

"It would probably help if you had a guitar." Nate added as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Mark asked as he stood up as well, brushing the dirt off of his pants.

"I have something for you at my house." Nate told him as he started walking home with Mark in tow.

"Hey Cristina." Nate smiled as he opened the door, giving the raven haired woman a quick kiss on the lips before he led Mark to his music room.

Inside was a light wooden guitar with Mark's initials as well as a raven etched onto the body of the guitar propped up against the wall.

"I know there's still like a month until your birthday-"

"I love it!" Mark interrupted, gushing in awe as he carefully picked it up and experimentally strummed the strings.

It sounded perfect.

"Thank you." Mark grinned as he gestured the guitar aside to give Nate a hug.

"Guys, we have an issue." Bryan panted as he barged into the room.

"Matt's missing." He announced grimly.

"Matthias, Matt, or MatPat?" Mark questioned.

"MatPat." Bryan stated.

"I'll help look." Nate volunteered.

"I'm in." Mark nodded.

"Alright, Felix, Matt, Amy, Sean, and Signe also agreed to go help." Bryan added.

"Where are they?" Mark asked.

"They're waiting by the edge of the woods." Bryan informed them.

Nate and Mark exchanged glances before Mark picked up his guitar and followed Nate outside.

Mark left his guitar at his house before going with Nate to meet up with the others.

"Top of the morning to ya!" Sean greeted Mark with a grin and a high five.

"Why are you going Felix, who's going to watch over the village with you gone?" Nate frowned in confusion.

"Ken promised that he would." Felix assured him.

"Is he the guy that has the ability to control lightning and has an amazing beard?" Matt questioned.

"That's him." Sean chuckled.

"We should get going." Signe reminded the group.

"You're right, lets go." Felix nodded, leading the way with Jack behind him, followed by Signe, Nate, Amy, then Mark.

Mark hesitated and took one last glance behind him at the peaceful village before hurrying to catch up with the others.

"So," Felix spoke up as they trudged through the woods, the morning sun beating down on them despite the shad provided by the trees.

"How's everyone doing?" Felix finished, glancing back briefly to look at the group.

"I'm pretty good, Amanda and I have been pretty busy with Luna since her abilities have started." Matt replied.

"What does she do?" Mark prompted.

"She controls ice and snow like her dad." Matt announced with a proud smile.

"Aww." Signe and Amy cooed in unison.

"I mean, things have been pretty good for me too." Sean shrugged, clasping Signe's hand in his.

"Same here." Mark lied, earning a raised eyebrow from Amy.

"You keep getting a lot of visitors." Nate remarked.

"Yeah..." Mark trailed off.

"How about you Nate?" He awkwardly changed the subject.

"I've been doing alright, Cristina has really made my life better." Nate answered.

"What about you Felix?" Nate countered.

"Everything's been kinda stressful with the riots and all that, I haven't really gotten much rest lately." Felix admitted.

"Once we find MattPat, I can help get things settled." Matt offered.

"That'd be nice." Felix nodded gratefully.

"We'll all be able to relax when we get back hopefully." Sean sighed.

If only they knew what they were getting themselves into...

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