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"MatPat!" Nate shouted for what felt like the millionth time as he continued searching for his friend.

"I don't think he's out here." Signe frowned as she walked along while scanning the horizon.

"He has to be since no one can find him in the village." Matt interjected.

"Looking for someone?"

The group turned to find Natemare holding onto MatPat who had a white bandana with a weird grin drawn on it, the theorist's eyes wide in fear and confusion.

"Let him go!" Nate demanded furiously.

"Gladly, but first there's some things you all need to know." Natemare stated.

"Dark, Anti, and Infelix are still at large. They didn't stay dead." Natemare explained.

"They were supposed to!" Sean exclaimed in irritation.

"It's because we didn't stay dead, so neither did they." Felix realized aloud.

"Ding ding ding, someone give the man a prize." Natemare grinned.

"So how do we get rid of them for good without dying completely?" Amy wondered aloud.

Mark glanced over at Felix and Matt, noticing the guilty expressions that flashed across their faces briefly before being masked.

"I think I know a way." Matt spoke up.

"Good luck, you're going to need it." Natemare remarked as he forcefully shoved MatPat towards the group before disappearing.

"Are you okay?" Nate questioned MatPat as he examined him for signs of injury.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me." MatPat assured him.

"We need to go tell the others about Infelix, Anti, and Dark." Mark reminded everyone.

Together the seven took off at a run as fast as they could back towards the village to tell the others about what they had learned, praying that they weren't too late.

"Where's Felix?"

"What happened to him?"

"Did a Shadower kill him?"

Villagers barraged Ken with questions that were asked so quickly that he couldn't answer any of them while he tried to maintain his cool and not snap at them.

Once they noticed Felix was gone and that Ken had taken his place temporarily, rioters gathered outside of his house for answers.

"Someone has gone missing and he decided to personally look for him with a few others." Mary answered for him much to his relief.

"Did Shadowers go with him?" One villager spoke up.


"They're going to kill him and everyone else!" Someone else cried, interrupting Ken.

"Guys stop! The Shadowers are our friends!" Mariah protested from the crowd.

"Then why were they kept away from us until recently? Felix wants us dead!" Someone else yelled frantically, causing everyone else to start panicking as well.

"Everyone just calm down, the Shadowers aren't going to hurt us." Ken sighed wearily, frustrated by their stubbornness.

"Besides, it's been two years and they haven't done us any harm!" Connor interjected helpfully.

The villagers reluctantly grumbled in agreement before dispersing.

"Thanks." Ken nodded in appreciation to the two that defended him as they left.

"No problem, just make sure our friends stay safe." Connor replied before disappearing inside his home while Mariah continued walking on to hers.

"Hey Ken!"

Ken whirled around and was surprised to find Mark, Sean, and Felix back without the rest of the search party, worrying Ken.

"What happened to the others?" Ken voiced his concerns.

"I don't know, we got separated during our search." Mark explained, keeping his eyes hidden by his hair.

"You three look really pale, what happened?" Ken asked worriedly.

"Hey guys!" Ethan interrupted as he bounded up to the three excitedly.

"Ethan get away from them!"

Ethan whirled around to see Mark, Felix, Amy, Signe, Sean, Nate, MatPat, and Matt run out of the forest with eyes wide in fear.

"What? What's going on?" Ken frowned in confusion as he looked between the multiples of Mark, Sean, and Felix.

"We're the real thing, just look at their eyes!" Sean shouted.

When Ken looked into the eyes of the three next to him, they looked completely normal.

"They're fake!" The Mark next to Ethan protested.

"I-I don't know." Ken stammered, running a hand through his vibrant purple hair in exasperation.

"They're real!" Signe gestured at the three standing next to her.

"How can we be certain though?" Ken interjected.

"You can't."

The Mark standing by Amy spoke up with an evil grin before disappearing with the Sean and Felix by him.

"What the-but they were with us the entire time!" Signe sputtered in confusion.

"No...Dark, Anti, and Infelix were with us the entire time." Matt sighed.

"They've learned how to disguise themselves to look exactly like us."

Light Hair, Dark Heart (Sequel to Dark Hair, Light Heart)Where stories live. Discover now