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"Alright I have-"

Amanda broke off when she saw Dark standing behind the ice wall, her eyes betraying her fear.

"Hello." Dark waved at her with an evil smirk.

"If you get rid of this ice wall, I will kill you and your daughter." Dark threatened, his expression unchanging.

Amanda hesitated, glancing between the trapped group before reluctantly walking back up the stairs with Luna in her arms.

"Now that we're alone,"

Darn turned around to face the five as he clapped his hands together.

"Where should I start?" He wondered aloud.

"Fuck off Dark, I'm not afraid of you." Nate growled at the shadow, standing his ground.

"Ah, a Shadower. How does it feel to be an outcast and have your house constantly attacked by the villagers? It must be tough, especially since Christina gets death threats daily and has to hide them from you." Dark mused.

"How do you know?" Nate demanded coldly, his hands clenching into fists at his side.

"I have my ways." Dark replied nonchalantly.

"And you've all been betrayed by your precious leader, how disappointing." Dark continued, glancing over at Felix.

"I had to!" Felix protested.

"For what? For your own personal gain? Because that's what it seems like since no one in this room volunteered for this." Dark pointed out.

Felix remained silent, his gaze falling to the floor in shame.

"You're right." He whispered.

"But that doesn't mean that I can't make things right." Felix muttered as he looked up at Dark, determination shining in his eyes.

"And how will you do that? Reverse the experiment? You can't reverse someone's genes once they've been tampered with, Matthias would know since he's already tried." Dark laughed.

"What do you mean?" Amy interjected.

"You'll learn soon enough." He assured her.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a village to help take control of." Dark added before disappearing.

The room was silent as everyone mulled over his words.

"That's why the Shadows had left us alone for so long. They were planning this for years." Signe realized aloud.

"We have to get out of here, but how?" Sean huffed in irritation as he ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.

"We'll just have to hope that Mark or Matt will come back." Felix sighed.

"So you're wanting to do what?!" Ethan whispered sharply to Mark as the trio snuck through the woods back to the village.

"I have to confront the Shadows and try to trap them somehow." Mark repeated.

"There's this place called the Shadow Realm, it's like the opposite version of our world. We can send them there and never have to see them again." Matt cut in.

"The only issue is that it takes a lot of power." Matt added with a small frown.

"Just do what you can." Mark instructed before motioning for everyone to be quiet.

He could see Infelix conversing with Anti and Dark, their eyes back to pitch black.

"I have to go back to my house to get the spell and ingredients." Matt whispered to Mark.

Mark nodded in response before stepping out of the forest, clearing his throat.

"Hey asshats!" Mark yelled at the Shadows.

The three looked back at him with confused expressions.

"I'm on my way to tell Ken about you three, care to join me?" Mark offered.

"Capture him!" Infelix commanded Dark and Anti.

"Here we go again." Mark sighed as he took off at a sprint away from the Shadows, leading them away from Matt's house.

Meanwhile, Ethan and Matt crept out of the forest and made their way to Matt's house.

Once they stepped inside, Matthias paused when he heard noise coming from downstairs.

Matt snuck down the stairs to find Nate, Amy, Sean, Signe, and Felix trapped behind a thick ice wall.

"Get is out of here, the Shadows are trying to take over the village!" Amy cried.

Matt nodded and darted upstairs, returning with a long sword in hand.

Matt hacked at the ice wall, gradually removing chunks from it until it had disappeared completely.

"Thanks." Nate nodded in appreciation.

Matt didn't reply as he ran back upstairs to find Ethan waiting by the door with his arms full of the supplies Matt had told him to gather.

"Ready?" Ethan asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Matt chuckled weakly as he walked out the door with the others in tow.

Mark continued running through the forest, feeling his lungs burning as he gasped for air and forced his weary legs to keep moving.

Eventually he tripped over an overgrown root, his body skidding across the ground before he came to a stop.

Dark and Anti circled around him, triumph shining in their eyes as Dark lifted him up and pinned him to a tree, his black eyes boring into Mark's brown eyes.

"Nice try Mark, but you can't outrun your fears." Dark chuckled before slamming Mark's head against the tree with enough force to knock him out instantly.

Light Hair, Dark Heart (Sequel to Dark Hair, Light Heart)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें