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"We have to find him, he's gotta he in the forest somewhere trapped with the Shadows." Ethan told the group as he took off at a run into the forest.

The others followed after him without hesitation, hopping that they would find Mark before he got too hurt.

"Well lookie here, all this trouble just for little old us?" Anti laughed, his dark eyes gleaming with mischief as he twirled a blood stained knife in his hands.

Mark was lying on the ground with blood on his cheek, the letter A carved onto his face  as if he was a Jack O Lantern.

"Let him go!" Amy yelled at the Shadows, rage burning in her eyes.

"Now why would we do that when we're having so much fun together?" Dark spoke up.

While the Shadows were distracted, Matt set up the necessary equipment needed to send them to the Shadow Realm with the help of Nate, his hands shaking slightly as he thought of what was to come.

"This is your last chance. Leave us alone forever, or you will be banished." Sean chimed in bravely.

"How cute, little Jackaboy is trying to protect his home. It won't work, you and your precious girl toy are going to burn, along with everyone else and everything else you care about." Anti snarled fiercely, taking a step towards Sean.

"Anti." Dark interjected, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Reluctantly, Anti backed off with a pouty expression as he continued playing with his knife.

"This world will be ours, and none of you can stop us." Infelix grinned before he moved in a blur and grabbed Matt by the neck and lifted him up in the air.

"You really thought that your silly little plan would work? Please!" Infelix scoffed as he watched Matt desperately flail in the air like a fish out of water, his hands clawing at Infelix's to try and free his throat from Infelix's iron grip to no avail.

"You can't beat us, we always win in the end." Dark smirked as he stepped forward to stand by Infelix's side.

"Game over idiots, we win." Anti giggled gleefully as he stood on the other side of Infelix and raised his knife.

"You haven't won yet."

Infelix, Dark, and Anti turned to see Natemare standing behind them, his fists clenched at his side.

"What are you doing? Why don't you want to rule this place with us?" Infelix scowled at the Shadow.

"I just want to go home...that's all I ever wanted." Natemare explained.

"To the Shadow Realm? Why would you want to return when we could rule two worlds!" Infelix exclaimed.

"Because there's people I care about there." Natemare replied without hesitation.

"You won't stop us!" Dark cut in.

"No, but I can distract." Natemare shrugged before kicking Infelix in the face.

Infelix instantly released his hold on Matt, causing him to collapse onto the ground and heave for air as he struggled to finish the ritual.

"How did Natemare find us?" Mark asked Nate as he watched the Shadows fight.

"I summoned him here." Nate replied simply.

"How's the set up going Matt?" Amy spoke up.

"I'm...working" Matt coughed, still trying to regain his breath as he dumped all of the ingredients into a bowl.

Light Hair, Dark Heart (Sequel to Dark Hair, Light Heart)Where stories live. Discover now