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"And then you substitute this into the first equation to find the unknown X."

You nibbled on the tip of your pencil as you tried to listen intently to your Math tutor. Math was not your greatest subject, and you desperately needed help on it to pass in the final semester.

But why, oh why, did your tutor have to be Jeon Wonwoo? Yes, it made sense that he, the top in your class, would be tutoring you, somewhere in the top 5 from the back. But what made this a wrong move for your homeroom teacher to make was that chances were you would do even worse than before. Why?

Because it was Jeon Wonwoo, the quiet genius who quickly grabbed the hearts of half the girls in your class the day he transferred, including yours. He was an all rounder in every subject, but Math was his strongest point. He was also a Literature and Chemistry whiz. But above all, he was humble and open-minded. What girl wouldn't fall for that?

You tried, and you mean tried, to focus solely on your assignment and absorb whatever he was teaching you. But as stated before, Jeon Wonwoo was a quiet boy. He had made a group of friends that he hung out with, but he was still the quiet one. He'd laugh along with them or point something out every now and then, but that'd be it.

Hearing him speak clear and slow sentences made your heart skip beats. Especially since he was sitting right across from you in the library after school hours, and even though his voice was soft, every word sounded loud, clear, and smooth like honey.

"... and then once you find the value of unknown X, you can substitute it into this equation to find the value of unknown Y. And that's it."

You stared at your paper without actually registering anything he had just said. Listening to him was like listening to song for its melody, not its lyrics. You heard every word he said, but you didn't know what any of it meant. It just felt nice to hear, like white noise that you needed to fall asleep to.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?"

You were shaken back to reality. "Sorry, what?" you said blankly, like an idiot.

"Are you okay with this part already, or would you prefer it if we go through it again?"

"Again." you replied without hesitation. "Please." you added.

"Alright then." Wonwoo said, giving you an encouraging smile. "We'll go through it again, and along the way you can point out anything that you can't understand so that we can work on it on the spot."

So the both of you went through the paper again, where you tried hard not to divert your eyes to the certain things only Wonwoo could possess. Like the way he held the pencil, how long and slender his fingers were, how cute he looked with his glasses on. It was hard work. But you were determined not to let him down by not understanding it again, so obviously, you bombarded him with questions on every single thing you found even slightly confusing.

He was patient and nice to you the whole time. He didn't rush the whole thing and made sure to wait when it took you time to understand something. And once you did understand it, he would ask again if you really got it, just to make sure.

When you finally managed to dissect every part of how that whole Math chapter worked and studied each part carefully, you were bushed. Your brain felt like it may have gone a little haywire.

"Good work today, Y/N. You're really improving." Wonwoo said as you both started packing your books. "Hey, we still have half an hour left. Would you like to get some coffee before going?"

"Huh?" You dropped your pencil case feeling a little shocked and flustered. Did he really just ask that? You only realized the pencil case wasn't zipped when the contents spilled to the floor. You heaved a frustrated sigh. He asks a question, and you humiliate yourself.

"Oh, I'll help you with that." Wonwoo said as he bent down to collect your stationeries. His hands were quick, and you had barely picked up anything when everything else was already in your pencil case once more. You spotted a pen that was left out and quickly reached out to grab it. Wonwoo must have seen it too, because next thing you know, his hand was right over yours.

You stared at him and he stared back.

"Uh..." you let out a flatly. "I uh..."

You felt your face redden, and it was obvious that Wonwoo's face became equivalent to a tomato as well. He blinked back in shock. "Oh, uh, sorry! Sorry, Y/N." He turned his eyes away and scratched his head. You noticed his ears reddened as well. "I guess we should go for that coffee another d-"

"No!" you exclaimed, louder than you probably should have. "No, we can go! Really, I want coffee and company!"

You mentally slapped yourself.

"Really?" Wonwoo asked for confirmation. The red on his face was toning down a bit, but it was still very much there. He smiled shyly. "Okay then, let's go."

The walk to the coffee shop was no less than a little awkward. You avoided each other's gaze as you walked slowly to a small cafe down the street. You distracted yourself by looking at your reflection in shop windows, wondering if anyone would ever like you for how you were inside. Heck, would anyone even like you with the looks you had now?

You pondered this quietly by yourself, almost forgetting that the boy you liked was right beside you.

"Y/N, watch out!" you heard, before a pair of hands grabbed you and pulled you away from your spot. You were enveloped by an arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders. Where you were just a few moments a earlier, a bicycle zoomed through.

You were still trying to register what had just happened, when you noticed that Wonwoo's arm was still wrapped around you from when he pulled you away.

He must had realized it too, because he let go immediately. The red had rushed back to his face as he struggled to find the words to say. "Ah... uh, the bicycle was coming and... uh..." He was getting more and more flustered.

You were too, because your face felt hot and all you managed to say was, "Ah, t-thank you... uh..."

"I'm sorry Y/N, I think the coffee will have to be for another day! I'm so sorry! I'll see you tomorrow!" he blurted out as he bowed his head. He turned back and walked away quickly as you stared at him.

Most girls would have been offended at being left so suddenly in the middle of a street. But you didn't mind at all, because it was Jeon Wonwoo who did that to you. For whatever reason, you knew he didn't mean it in any bad way. He was just shy. Because of an incident.

With you.

You thought back to how calm and collected he was during your tutoring session, but immediately became shy whenever anything 'intimate' happened between you two. You felt a queasy sensation in your stomach, and was overcome with giddiness.

You stayed rooted in place, thinking back to how protectively his arms were wrapped around you. You weren't sure how awkward things would be the next day, but whatever that would happen between you and him would be tomorrow's story to tell.

*** Author's Note ***

I think this is enough to stand on its own, but I might make another part continuing from this. Might. As in probably, because I'm not satisfied with this ending either asdfghjkl

Joshua's and Vernon's will probably have a second part to them in the future, so keep an eye out!

Seventeen Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें