[1] New Job.

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[Y/N]'s POV
Currently, I'm unemployed. I just recently graduated from college and now I need a job to support myself. Luckily my parents supported me until I graduated. Now I need to support myself, I want to work somewhere that can fit my schedule. Hopefully, I can find something or somewhere that can help. Ah, being an adult is amazing isn't it?

Time skip: A few days later.

Now I have an interview today with Jeon Jungkook, I did some research about his company. He owned the best company in Korea, I wanted to work there. I've seen the opening and it fits my schedule perfectly, I hope I will do well with this interview.

At the company.

I have finally got to the company, good thing it was only a few blocks from my apartment so I can basically walk to work within 10 minutes. Anyways, time to get to his office and win his job. As I got to inside the building, I see that the secretary was busy. I waited then he saw me, he waved at me to come over and speak to him. I see that his name is Min Yoongi.

 I see that his name is Min Yoongi

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M.Y: Hello, may I know your name and the reason why you are here?
You: My name is, [Y/N], and I have arrived here to speak to Jeon Jungkook about an opening here as his assistant.
M.Y: Ah, I see. Let me call him and tell him you're here. Give me a moment please.

As I patiently waited, I felt somewhat nervous because his company was so damn successful because I took a glance around and see it's so sophisticated and elegant here. Then I heard my name.

M.Y: Miss [Y/N], Jungkook would like to see you now, his office is the very top floor. You will see at the very end of the hallway his office, you can miss it. It had his name on it.
You: Alright thank you, Mr. Min Yoongi.
M.Y: Call me Suga, I have a feeling you're going to get the job.
You: Haha, okay. Thanks Suga.

I waved him goodbye and he did the same back. I walked to the elevator and prayed to god that I will get this job. I only met one person here and he seemed so friendly, I hope the rest of the people here will be the same. As I was waiting for the elevator to go up, I stopped in between of the floors. I see another worker here came in and headed to the same floor as I was. He turned around and introduced himself to me, his name is Park Jimin.

 He turned around and introduced himself to me, his name is Park Jimin

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P.J: Ah, I never see you here. Are you new?
You: Oh no. I'm here for an interview with your boss.
P.J: Well good luck! I must warn, he will be a little strict but you will eventually bare with it.
You: Thanks! Also, why is he so strict? Do you know?
P.J: Well he is the youngest millionaire here, imagine only being 22 and making this much money in your age. Will you want to be successful and be the best you could be?
You: Ah I see, I guess I'm younger than him and look at me.
P.J: Don't worry, you'll be fine. After all, I'm his best friend and I see you have what it takes to get the job.
You: Thats very sweet of you. Also, mind giving me a few more tips before I start this interview with him?
P.J: Just don't slouch or cuss in front of him. Make sure you don't interrupt him when he is speaking, also don't let his questions get to you. Answer them honestly the best you can.
You: Thank you Jimin!

As the elevator door opened, it was the top floor. I waved him goodbye and the mouthed out, "Good luck." I smiled and proceeded my way to the boss' office. I knocked then I heard a voice, "Come in." When I opened the door, my eyes widen to see my future boss. May I say, he is one heck of a boss. As I closed the door, he pointed at the closest chair next to his desk. I walked to where he pointed, I sat on the chair and I see him getting up to stand. Why does he have to be my boss? He's too hot to be one.

 Why does he have to be my boss? He's too hot to be one

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Jungkook's POV
I see her, entering my office. I noticed that she was polite enough to even knock first. What a great start so far. Good thing I didn't lock my doors. Anyways, time for her interview, to make it look like I was serious. I stood up in front of her as she was sitting. For some reason, she looked adorable when she is focused. I asked her a couple general questions like her name, age, education, and etc. I see that her name is [Y/N], it suits her. She's only a year younger than me, living by herself but a couple blocks away. She recently graduated from the best college we have here in Korea, I noticed she haven't even interrupted me when I was speaking the whole time. Good. She didn't slouch at all, not even a single curse word, and she was honest when she was answering my questions. Then I made my decision.

J.K: Congratulations [Y/N], you got the job as my assistant.
You: I would like to thank you for giving me the chance to be your assistant Mr. Jeon Jungkook.
J.K: You start tomorrow, celebrate today. I'll email you the schedule and what I need by tomorrow.
You: Thank you, I'll be on my way.
J.K: Wait.
You: Yes?
J.K: Let me walk you out, mind giving me your number as well just in case.
You: Why thank you, and of course. Here it is.
J.K: Thank you, also congratulations once again.
You: No, thank you.

As she walked out, I couldn't help but stare at her. She headed to the elevator, she turned around. I was goodbye, she waved back. As the doors close, Jimin came out of no where smirking at me.

P.J: Well, I see someone already likes their new assistant.
J.K: Relax, let's see if she can even last a few days here.
P.J: She looks like a tough one, good luck.
J.K: You should be one saying that to her.

As I went back into my office, I proceeded back to my work. For some reason, I can't help but getting her off my mind. What does she have in her that makes me think about her? Ugh, [Y/N] I just met you and why am I thinking about you?


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