[2] Day One.

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[Y/N]'s POV
Today is my first day here, ugh why am I nervous? Okay just deep breaths. As I walk in the company, I was happily greeted by Suga with his gummy smile. I greeted him back and had to proceed to the cafe. The email that Jungkook sent me yesterday was that before I can head to his office, I must get his usual. I meet with the bartsia, RM, I told him about Jungkook's usual drink and he helped me.

 I meet with the bartsia, RM, I told him about Jungkook's usual drink and he helped me

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RM: Hey, you're his new assistant right?
You: Haha yea, my first day.
RM: Well I hope you do okay here, from now on. Just say boss' usual, it saves time.
You: Noted. Thanks RM.
RM: I never got your name, may I ask what is your name?
You: [Y/N].
RM: Well here is the boss' drink [Y/N], congratulations on the job.
You: Thank you RM!

I took the drink and waved goodbye to him. I really like Jungkook's choice of staff, no wonder he seemed a bit picky of his choice. As I walked into the elevator, I was talking deep breathes again before going into his office. As I reached to the top floor, I see that his door is open. I walked over there and knocked before entering. I heard Jungkook telling me to come in, he was facing the window. I told him his drink was here and placed it on his desk. As he turned around, I didn't help but giggle a bit.

 As he turned around, I didn't help but giggle a bit

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I thought to myself. I can't laugh. I can't laugh. As he was doing faces I bursted out laughing, I couldn't help myself. How can he be my boss if he is like this? But he is adorable. Then I see one of his other workers in his office, Kim Seokjin. He told me he is friends with the boss. Also, he shook hands with me. I saw in Kookie's face, he seemed a bit jealous.

K.S: Hey, you just be his new assistant. I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin.
You: Hey Jin, yes I am his new assistant. My name is [Y/N].
K.S: I just met you today and I can already tell we are going to be great friends.
You: Thats very nice of you Jin. Hopefully we will in the future!
K.S: Well I should let the both of you get work. I need to start going to make more copies for the boss.

As I waved goodbye to Jin, he waved back and closed the office door. Then Kookie gave me a look, I see a bit of jealousy in his eyes but I wasn't sure.

J.K: Miss [Y/N], I see you brought what I have told you through the email. Good.
You: Of course, I also sorted out the files you gave me in the email and sent it right back.
J.K: I will be the judge of that.

As he was checking the files through his email, I was nervous. Hoping that I did it correctly. My heart was racing until he told me the answer.

J.K: Good. You did everything very well. Now, from now on your office will be right here next to me. He showed me the other side of his office and I see a desk with my name on it. I realized I shared an office with my boss, that should be normal because I am his assistant right? Anyways, I thanked him and proceed to my work on my new desk.

Jungkook's POV
She immediately started to work and I didn't even have to tell her to do so, all I did was gave her a list on her notes and she followed what she has been told. I liked that and I proceeded to do some of my own work. As I was typing, I took a glance at her. Why does she even look good while she's working? Aish, [Y/N]. You're making me crazy. I noticed she is wearing a white blouse and a black pencil skirt with some black heels. Her hair up into a messy bun topped it off with her light makeup and figure. Ugh, why. I tried to look back at my work, then I had to take a glance at her again. I see she bit her lips because she was nervous. Her lip bite was so fucking sexy. Then I shouted at her across the room.

J.K: Hey [Y/N]! Take your time, no need to rush.

She smiled back and proceeded. She looked a bit more relaxed, and for some reason I was relieved. After a few hours later of work, it was time for us to go home now.

J.K: Good work today [Y/N], go on ahead home. You deserve it.
You: Thank you Jungkook. Have a good night!

I waved her goodbye, as she leaves. I noticed that her pencil skirt defines her ass. Ugh, why [Y/N]. Then I can't help myself anymore, I needed her back here.

J.K: Wait [Y/N]!

I see that she turned around and walked back to the office.

You: Is there anything wrong Jungkook?
J.K: How do you get to work and go back home?
You: I walk sir. I only live a few blocks away from the company. Remember?
J.K: I remember now. That's unacceptable.
You: Wait what?
J.K: From now on, I'm picking you up and dropping you off back home.
You: Can I know why you're doing this boss?
J.K: B-Because I can't risk my assistant being in danger at night and day. Especially since how you dress.

She took a glance on how she dressed, I see her face was confused but understood why.

You: I see boss. Now do you need any help getting things to your ride?
J.K: Nope, I just need my suitcase and we'll take our leave.

I grabbed my suitcase and she followed me behind. As we walked to the elevator, I see Jimin smirked at me. Also mouthed out, "She's a keeper." I giggled and she didn't notice but proceeded to pressing the button to the last floor. It was an awkward silence for us, then I broke the silence.

J.K: So [Y/N], do you live alone?
You: Yes.
J.K: Why is that? I thought you might have a boyfriend or family living with you.
You: Honestly Jungkook, my parents are supportive but they want me to be independent. I understand that but they are currently in America for retirement. I let them be but they call me here and there. As for boyfriend, I'm single Jungkook. Did you assumed I have one?
J.K: I just had a thought, [Y/N].
You: What about you? Any girlfriend or family with you?
J.K: Single like you and my family is in London for retirement.
You: Seems like we have something in common Jungkook.
J.K: That we live alone and our parents currently are out of the country for retirement?
You: Exactly.

The elevator dinged and it was the final floor. I see Suga staring at us, [Y/N] didn't notice but I see him looking at me with thumbs up. I smiled and just walked off with her. We headed to my car and drove off to her place. I see she lives in an apartment by herself. As I was going to say goodbye to her, my stomach rumbles.

You: Well someone haven't ate in awhile.
J.K: I'll eat when I get home.
You: No, come on and eat dinner with me.
J.K: I can't.
You: Why? I insist. Plus you and I live alone. No need to worry right?
J.K: True, fine I'll join.

I can't believe I'm about to have dinner with her at her place. I wonder how it will turn out.


Boss Jungkook • Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now