[3] Your place.

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Author's POV
Ever since Jungkook has entered your place and have dinner with you. It's been a daily thing now, he's always picking you up, dropping you off, you feed him dinner and have chats before he leaves off home. Your place hasn't been much quieter ever since you invited him over, you were happy that you did.

The relationship with your boss has grew stronger, it's too the point were the both of you have feelings for each other but neither of you want to confess yet. Both of you were scared that it might ruin the relationship you guys have now. Until one day, a ball of sunshine has helped you guys.

Jungkook's POV
Ugh, I have to admit, I love her. Not only that she is incredibly good looking, but she is intelligent, caring, a great cook, nice, sporty, and much more. We have recently gotten closer these past few months and I want to make her mine. I can't help it when she's around my co-workers but they know I feel about her so they wouldn't dare.

[Y/N]'s POV
Lately, Kookie and I have been closer than usual. I really enjoy having him around me, seeing him smile and laugh whenever we have a conversation makes me happy. Not to mention he looks so good looking, I don't know. I get turned on by him sometimes. Ugh, he makes me crazy with his bunny self.

Anyways, I was working on some paperwork for Jungkook while he was speaking to one of his employees, his name is Jung Hoseok.

Hobi, Jungkook calls him because they are close with each other

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Hobi, Jungkook calls him because they are close with each other. I'm pretty sure he isn't aware that I'm in his office as an assistant for him. Until he glanced and saw me, he walked over to me and I see Jungkook staring at him.

J.H: Well, are you Jungkook's assistant?
You: Y-Yes, I'm [Y/N]. Pleased to meet you Jung Hoseok.
J.H: No need to be formal, call me Hobi. Anyways, even though I just met you. I want to say something.
You: And that is?
J.H: Want to grab lunch with me?
J.K: HEY! She's my girl.

Jungkook quickly walked closer to me and grabbed onto my shoulder, I was still sitting down on my chair and I was in shock. Did he call me, "his girl"? I tried to pretend that I was because Hobi only saw me today.

You: Yea, sorry Hobi. I see that Jungkook isn't okay with that.
J.H: I understand, by the way. I was teasing. I like seeing Jungkook being protective of what he loves ~
J.K: Oi Hobi, Anyways we got more work to do.
J.H: I understand, I'll take my leave. See you guys!

As he leaves the office, I had to speak to Jungkook. Not as my boss but as the Kookie who comes over my house for dinner every night.

You: Thanks for saving me from Hobi.
J.K: Don't mention it. I can't let him go out and take you with him without my permission.
You: Uhm, may I ask you something? Not work wise.
J.K: What is it [Y/N]?
You: I'm confused..
J.K: About?
You: Us. What are we? Other than boss and assistant in the office or the company.
J.K: Can I tell you my answer after work? Or at least when we head to your place? I promise I'll tell you.
You: Of course.

It was awkward between us after that, everything was silent between us. The only time we spoke today was involving work. We usually discussed things here and there, or what to make for dinner. Jeez we sound like a married couple. Anyways, a few more hours until I hear his answer.

Author's POV
Hours have passed by, when it hit the time that work was done. You were starting to get nervous. What would his answer be? You thought to yourself the possibilities that could happen. Worrying yourself, Jungkook notices you are daydreaming. He snaps you out of it when you guys reached the last floor. Heading to his car, the ride was short of course but it was silent.

As you guys reached for your apartment, usually you started to prep dinner while he gets comfortable. This time, he's the one that cooked dinner. You were surprised.

You: You sure you want to cook dinner Jungkook?
J.K: Yea, go wash up yourself [Y/N]. At least relax a little bit, you have been working hard these past few months.
You: O-Okay then.

You walk off to your room, grabbing your clothes and towel. Heading to the bathroom you took a quick shower and making yourself looking decent at least. You had your hair in a messy bun with a baggy T-shirt and sweatpants. You didn't bother to wear a bra because the shirt was thick enough to the point where you can't tell. Anyways, Jungkook was done after you were done washing up. He looked at you and loves how the way you look, even though you thought it wasn't your best look but he thought differently.

Jungkook's POV
Aish, this girl is driving me nuts. I need to tell her tonight, I've been holding back for the last few months now. I offered to cook dinner tonight because I wanted her to relax a little bit. So far she's been doing well at the office and doing everything perfectly well. She's probably the best assistant I can ask for, I see her more than an assistant and a friend. I see her as mine. I want her to be mine and only mine. I sound possessive but I can't help seeing her with my co workers. Any-who, as I was done with dinner she was done washing up. Her lazy look was the best, her true self was the best I can ask for. With her messy bun, baggy shirt, and sweatpants. There was no doubt that she looked adorable but yet hot. She enjoyed the food I prepared, then it lead to a conversation.

J.K: So [Y/N], I have my answer.
You: What is it Jungkook?
J.K: I'm not going to lie.

I sat closer to her. I held her hands and looked at her in the eyes.

J.K: I see us more than co workers and friends. I want us to be more than that, I want us to be a thing [Y/N]. I know this may seem as cheesy or clique but I really mean it. I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you accept?

[Y/N]'s POV
I was in complete shock. Did I hear that he wants me to be his girlfriend? I'm not stupid. My answer was simple. I leaned in forward for a kiss on his lips.

You: You know, I share the same feelings as well Jungkook. So yes, I'll be girlfriend.
J.K: I'm glad to hear that, to be honest I'm glad I asked you out at your place.
You: Why is that?
J.K: Because if I asked you out in the office, the news would spread quickly throughout the company.
You: True.
J.K: If asked you out in a restaurant, I wouldn't have private time with you.
You: What do you mean by private time?
J.K: This.

He leaned in for a kiss, I felt his hands let go of mine and cupped my face. I couldn't help myself but my hands pulled him closer and run through his brown soft hair. The kiss became heated when I felt his tongue on the bottom of my lips. With that, I gave time permission to slide his tongue into my mouth. We both broke the kiss for a gasp of air. Then I don't know what came over me, I had to say something that probably changed my life.

You: Want to finish this in my room?

TBC ❤️

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