In Trouble

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Leaning against the door outside the room, Kongpob was grinning to himself, Arthit's lips were soft and warm and he felt the electricity going through his body. His heart rate had increased, and it took great restraint not to push him down.

He couldn't help it, Arthit looked cute when he woke up, with his disheveled hair and baby blue eyes looking at him intensively

I'm in trouble

He walked away to locate the private room where the rest of the family would meet up. When he got there, only his sisters where in the room, everyone else was still to come. He went back to the room to wait for Arthit.

After Kongpob left the room, Arthit sat still on the bed thinking about what just happened

"My first kiss, he took my first kiss" he said and flopped back into bed, he was a little happy about it

He traced his lips with his finger tips and thought about what it felt like, he was still tingling from the sensation. He shrugged it off, "I need a shower" he said getting out of bed.

When he was showered and dressed, he got out of the room, and Kong was standing there leaning against the wall

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you"

He stepped closer and stood in front of Arthit, he reached for the back of his neck to fix his shirt collar with the coat he was wearing, but he hesitated when he noticed how close Arthit's face was to his. Avoiding eye contact, he continued fixing the shirt collar while Arthit on the other hand kept a steady gaze on him.

When Kongpob was done, he slowly looked down and their eyes met. Standing that close, Arthit thoughts were on the kiss earlier, and if Kong was going to kiss him again

"Want me to kiss you again" Kong asked, and within seconds he was wincing in pain clasping his abdomen.

Arthit had punched him lightly before walking away quickly, trying to hide his blushing face.

After walking a couple of steps, he turned to Kongpob and yelled, "are you coming"

"Yeah," Kongpob said before catching up to him.

When they got to the private dining room, everyone was present. Arthit's parents, Kong's parents, and his two elder sisters. Dina and Cora came alone, leaving their husbands and kids at home

After all the introductions and pleasantries, they ate dinner with casual conversations catching up with each other. Then their mums started talking about plans for the wedding.

"Isn't it too early to start planning now?" Kongpob asked his mum

"It's not, four years will go by quickly" she replied, "and don't try to get out of this Kongpob" she warned him "I know you"

"Did you know about this?" Arthit whispered to his dad

"Yes son"

"And you agreed?" Arthit asked

"Well, you did accept" his father replied him

Arthit tried to think back to when such an event occurred, but nothing came to mind

After eating, both fathers left the room to continue their conversations somewhere else, while the mums stayed behind planning out their son's wedding and their activities. Some weekends would be spent at home, alternating between the two families, same with the holidays.

If they objected, their mums promised to either announce their engagement in the newspaper or send out invitations to the university.

It was getting late and they had been in there for hours.

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