F.I.E.N.D.S. Or F.R.E.I.N.D.S.

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Real Friends by Marko Penn~soundcloud

Fiends or Friends They're Just Like Drugs.

You would pay top dollar for a quality time as though your life depended on it; to never forsake their company.

To travel anywhere without them by your side is like jumping head first in to pandora box.

Gettting lanced is the definition of burning in Lucifer's flames; being tortured for revealing the desires the you don't reveal to yourself.

You can overdose to a painful death and die or moderate them for the best little bliss of your life.

The greatest of euphoria or the worst of depression because the purer they are the worse the lows; cause good intentions can become huge mistakes.

In A rainbow of varieties, making every  hew evermore appeasing for your consumption.

Fiend or friend that's all I'm asking for the circle must be kept sacred.

Tell me which one are you?
Nevermore will deceit fly free from you

Are you here to take me on on a journey  life or lead me to my end a relm where Nothings lies but you.

Pick and don't try to deny or hide in the mask, show me what's real inside and tell yourself the truth.

Let loose and embrace your imperfections for they are what makes others green with envy.

Blame it on the self-intoxication pouring it into me like a poison, cure, medication, & or even  as an escape from this metaphysical realm we know as our reality.

Fiends or Friends drugs they're with you till the end.

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