Red Lips

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  I didn't say it aloud, but what I wish I'd said was

Your red lips matched the smoothness of your pale skin

Looking at you through the glass door of Papa Johns was like the perfect movie scene when the music plays and it's just us in that moment

The fluorescent lighting hits you like the spotlight on the grandest stage

  The way your hair was tucked behind your ear was so lovely and the remnant of it still holds to me like it'll never fade away

Your cesious eyes were like a dream that I'd stay in forever

Even though you were in your uniform I swear to you it felt like you were overdressed the way it fit the curves of your body like an evening gown

Your voice hits me with a breathtaking experience and I had to learn to breathe again

I was so mad because being in that state made me worry about what I might say cause I'd tell you how I felt about you and maybe scare you that I couldn't even order

When you came out and gave us cups I wanted to die because cupids arrows hit so deep because you were a godly angle that saved our souls in numerous ways

Literally & Metaphorically x2

Everything, after that, was induced and awakened by all the pent-up sexual hormones the dopamine, endorphins, and just everything in my life was released into the atmosphere

The pizza we ate felt sexual the way my tongue hit it, I chewed, sinking my teeth in it, and swallowing with your face in my mind

I just had to stop the entire world just to let them know eating food was sexual 

Thank god I went out that night and got high for the first time

The entire world became HD in a way that I'd never forget

It felt like this is what people meant when they say their third eye is opened because I wished mine never closed  

That night was perfect, the sensation of the so-called B- minus weed flowed through me like the wind through the trees, felt like an A++ it was absolutely refreshing

I fell oh so slowly, every so slowly drifting throughout time

And it all stemmed from the way your red lips broke the door to my passion, my point of view  and drive of the whole purpose of living

Yes, I complimented you on those red lips but as you can see with those soft livid eyes there was so much more

If only I stole a kiss from those

Red Lips  

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