Laksh's POV:

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Whenever I close my eyes , I see that terrible scene. Pulling out my wife's dead body from river and tries to wake her up but no use . SHE IS GONE NOW. I laksh Thakur , my life nor easy either difficult but it's like any other person's life normal , that incident in which my wife died was happened 4 months ago . Our marriage is not love but sort of adjustment(that's what I call it) after her death I moved here in Delhi though my news paper agency . Life going same as old like in these past four months I got those nightmares of her death etc. but one day I saw one beautiful face which takes my heart away . Ragini that's her name, she came for interview and her face , eyes,her voice are the sweetest thing I ever heard . I select her and with each passing day I fell in love with her more but having this fear how she reacts when she know about my wife, or is she likes me or not? These always running in my mind whenever I see her . So finally one day I decide to talk to her or at least be friends with her , I'm going towards my as it's my day to talk to ragini but in way I got avinash's call(laksh's wife's brother), I pick call and he started his blaming on me like how I killed his sister, how I want everything from their wealth and how I'm now enjoying in Delhi with some slut etc.. and that's how my day went bad , I lost all my confidence at time when see ragini . All day I tried to avoid her as I continuesly got those flashes and when she asked me(sir are you ok , you look u-upset) I the biggest idiot scolded her . Really here I have to be friends with her and now I scolded her . Seriously , I have asked apology to her but after this will she thinks nice about me ??????                            Hello guys this is laksh's POV and about his wife I'll give information maybe in 4 or 5 part as I want raglak to know each other better first . So how's this part please read, comment and vote . Please ignore my silly mistakes😊😊

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