Chapter 22

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"Head to the training room and arm yourself! Quickly!" Hart ordered me, practically shoving me out of the door as he gathered up some papers on his desk, when he lifted his head again and saw me hesitate, he gave me a sharp shake of his head. "Go! I just have to handle a few things here, we're under attack."

His order sent me stumbling into action, my movements still sluggish and slow from the earlier predicament I had gone through. Though my mind felt relieved, the pounding didn't cease, only increased by the blaring of the sirens — which were a constant shrieking held on and on, screaming its vice over everything and anything that tried to overpower it. Slowly, I recovered, my steps going back into a rhythm, pounding at the same speed and tempo as my racing heart.

Thud thud thud. The metaphor of having your heart pounding against your ribcage didn't seem so far-fetched anymore, as I swore that it was about to bounce right out of my chest, rippling with blood.

It was almost strange — how long it seemed to take to finally arrive at the training rooms, as other servants, maids, soldiers and commanding officers also raced about, all seeming to know what this alarm meant, and where they were scheduled to go.

I burst through the double-doors, almost fearing that the force I used was too much for the two square windows of glass at the top of the doors. Skidding to a stop in front of he weaponry rack, I ignored how scarily silent it was, and how there was not a single soul standing in this room currently, not including me.

I grabbed the first set of weapons I saw, equipping myself with two of the longer knives, and then within a split-second decision, I grabbed the throwing knives as well against my better judgement. If I see Major Hart again, maybe I could spare him a weapon or two, just in case, but I honestly doubt that he was weaponless currently.

Just as I came out of the training room, I almost bumped straight into a woman, her bright blue eyes frantic as she collided into me, obviously not careful enough to stop like I had managed to do so. Almost slicing her with my knives, she immediately got off me, as she stepped back and gave me a full examination from head to toe. Panic flashed through her eyes, when she stared at my metallic parts, but then they traced me slowly, looking at me again, slowly growing wider and wider. "Y-your eyes..." she stuttered. I raised an eyebrow.

Yes, my eyes. What about them? I wanted to ask.

She shook her head in what looked to be bewilderment. "No way... it can't be. The cousin that I knew... you look too much... too much like her." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and yet I heard it every bit as clear as day. I was tempted to attack her, my eyes flickering to the small little knife tucked underneath her shirt, a bulge that looked too odd to be anything but a weapon. She followed my gaze and self - consciously placed her hand over the top.

But still, she continued to talk, but her tongue seemed to be tied up in knots. "You... have silver eyes, but... Harper... she, oh... blue eyes, like mine. She — she didn't..." By her expression, I recognised it as one that seemed unsure of what nonsense she was spewing, even by herself. But I had already heard all that I needed to hear.

She had said my name. My name. It seemed so coincidental, so convenient that Major Hart had told me only minutes before, and I thanked my luck for how relevant this was to me, despite the pain and the burden of carrying it.

But she was already stepping back, already turning away. "I... I'm sorry, I must have the wrong person..."

No! Wait! I wanted to shout, but realised that any words were going to be useless.

However, I couldn't forget that I could still make sounds. "Wa-ghi-t!" I spluttered, sounding like someone hadn't sneezed properly. The sirens drowned me out, refusing to let my vain efforts be heard. So instead, I raced after her, trying to get her to stop. She saw me chasing after her, and only ran faster, seeming spooked by this situation. She probably thought I was going to try and kill her or something.

Gears (NaNoWriMo 2017) (#1 Below the Machines)Where stories live. Discover now