Thank You

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I've finally completed it! It was absolutely brain - drowning, but I finished! Now that I look back on all these chapters, I'm really starting to cringe, because 3/4 of them I did half-asleep, and desperate for words, making them generally boring an plotless. I came up with this idea in a split second for an English Assignment we never did. It was supposed to be a short story, but I was just like: "meh, I'll use this idea." And so I had no plan of what was going to happen and jumped in blindly. Hopefully by the time I am able to edit this fully, it will not only be more interesting, but also more plot driven.

So thank you for your supporting words if you've offered any, and thank you reading this book. I hope you enjoyed, however tasteless it is. 


Gears (NaNoWriMo 2017) (#1 Below the Machines)Where stories live. Discover now