chapter 7

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We continued our way down the motherbases' platforms. Even on his crutches Kazuhira walked with confidence how he does it is beyond me honestly. Eventually we came to room that that was near the med bay the smell of strong relaxing incense. What were doing at Code Talker's room? Kaz opened the door and walked in as I stayed in the door not sure if I should follow suit or not. I stood there akwardly there for a minute before kaz noticed I wasn't following him.  He turned to me and motioned me with his head to follow him so I once again took hesitant step towards him while taking in my surroundings. There was very little decoration as his walls mostly candles a few bottles on what little shelves he had and a couple things that represent the Navajo people. "Hey old man! " Kaz said casually as he walked up to a table that was only seating code talker.  "Ah miller and..... " He paused for a moment taking in my presence "(y/n)? What brings the both you here? I hope it's not about the little war you to are having about burgers and (y/f/f). " Kaz shook his head "not this time old man. " Hr slightly turned to me a smirk playing on his lips "no I brought (y/n)  here because she stressed out about those new recruits so I figured I bring her to place where she can relax and talk to people normally. " A small chuckle escaped Code talkers lips as he nodded slightly "very well I don't mind the company.  Come sit with me. " Kaz Sat down across from him while I gingerly next to Kaz. The two men began to converse as if they have known each other for a life time or more and they brought up some interesting topics like today's politics,  the world's leaders,  past events,  out what our future faces.  It wasn't all serious though as I eased in to my sit the brought me in to a conversation about our parents and families back at home. Most of my stories made them laugh though "you did what? " Kaz chuckled "you heard me, " I stated confidently "I broke my brother's nose with laundry basket because he was picking on my. " (True story though) they both laughed once again as Kaz patted my shoulder.  "Who knew you were a born fighter. " "Well certainly not him or he wouldn't have tried to bully me" I crossed my arms as my IDroid went off. Digging it out of my pocket an awnsered it.  Ocelots over came over my ear piece "(y/n)  report to the LZ Boss needs you on another mission." I looked down at IDroid and noticed the LZ was all the way at the main command deck. "On my way. " My ear piece went silent as I stood up from where I was sitting "right when I got comfortable" I mumbled as put my IDroid away "well,  good bye gentlemen the boss needs me" The both bid me farewell as left and made my way to the command deck as quick as possible.

"You know Kaz" Code Talker started as the sniper left "for someone who said they lost everything you seem to have something new. " Kaz looked down at his hand mixed feelings dancing wildly in pale eyes. "No." He finally responded "I simply want her to able to focus for when Cypher decided to attack us again." And with that Kaz stood up and made his way out the door leaving Code Talker alone in his room once again.  "Your words say one thing but your actions say another."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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