Destructive Damsel

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Luna was already outside the shipping container, trying to sooth the person inside with gentle words. "What's going on?" He asked as the screaming and crying continued. Luna looked close to tears. "It's one of my people, Curie. She is sick and sometimes can't control herself, she goes into a rage and she can hurt herself and other people. None of us here are strong enough to stop her outright so we have to either knock her out or lock her in here for her safety." She explained quietly as if not wanting the wailing woman inside to hear. "What's wrong with her?" He asked as he heard something smash inside the container. Luna looked pained and desperate. "I don't know... I've never seen anything like it before" she said. They were quiet for a moment. The sound of glass shattering made Luna jump. Without thinking Roan wrenched the door open and went inside. In the weak light he could make out the figure of a woman, pale as the moon with long dark hair. Putting his hands up in surrender he approached her like he would a wounded animal, slowly and without sudden movement. She was struggling and it was only when he got so close he could touch her he saw what had happened. Ropes were tied loosely around her hands and feet, obviously done by her own hand. She'd struggled so much afterwards she'd ended up smashing  a glass jar holding a single candle and with the light gone she'd thrashed more. She was tangled up in a fishing net and bleeding. "I won't hurt you. No more then you've already done." He said slowly keeping his voice calm and steady as he picked up a shard of glass from the floor meaning to cut her loose the opposite effect happened. Curie seemingly thought he meant to harm her and lashed out madly. Moving his body weight he was able to put a knee down on her legs with enough pressure to keep them still long enough for him to get them free. She had stopped struggling but her body had taken on the flexibility of a piece of metal, meaning very little. "Luna!" He called out and he heard the door open, Luna came in similarly to the way he'd done. She brought a lamp and her eyes grew wide when she saw the damage. "Luna..." said the woman tearfully as Luna approached. Luna knelt beside the girl and wrapped her in an embrace. Luna looked at Roan over the woman's shoulder that indicated he should keep cutting the nets and rope while she was distracted. "I didn't know Luna, I'm sorry!" She sobbed into Luna's shoulder as Roan sliced through the last of the net. He backed away not wanting to add pressure to the situation. "Curie, this is Roan" Luna said carefully brushing Curie's hair from her eyes. Curie looked up at him and he saw her eyes were bloodshot but still a beautiful shade of green in the light. "Roan will help you to your bed" Luna said as she stood, Roan was a little shocked but moved in to pick up the young woman. For someone so small she caused so much destruction. He carried her carefully, following Luna to a room in the main hall. Curie was exhausted and as he looked down at her he saw he eyes closing slowly. She was asleep when he put her on the pallet she used as a bed. Two young women came in bearing strips of cloth and water to clean her up. Luna nodded to them as she left Curie's side. Roan followed her and sat opposite the curly haired leader in the hall. "I'm sure you've got questions. I will tell you the story if you promise to not tell anyone." She said to him and Roan nodded intrigued. The woman, Curie was obviously ill, he'd never seen anything like this illness before. A young boy brought them each a drink as Luna seemed to be puzzling put what she would start with. "I guess I should start at the beginning..." she began.

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