The Lazarus Effect.

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The funeral pyre was built in the center of Polis. Roan's council had journeyed to be by their King's side during the ceremony. Roan himself was inconsolable, only taking solace of being in Luna's company.
Before he would set his beloved on fire he went to see her one last time in the flamkeepers rooms. When he drew back the curtain the table Curie had been lain on was empty. The bodies of two flamekeepers were soon discovered hidden away and Lexa ordered a full sweep of Polis. Someone had taken Curie's body and had killed when someone had gotten in their way.
Roan paced the throne room as Lexa spoke to the guards.
She ordered them all to sit.
She explained that it was her belief that whoever made Curie had most likely taken her body back. Similarly to Castia that the body had disappeared shortly after death. Lexa had received a head after Castia's alleged death but the face was so brutally disfigured she wasn't even sure it had been her beloved.
"We need to go to where Curie and Castia came from. It's a good starting point" Clarke pointed out and everyone agreed. The Skaikru rovers were brought in for their use. Roan wasn't sure what to feel as the Rover raced across the country.
The stairs and tunnel were wide open, not how he and Curie had left it. As they raced along the corridors they saw all the files and equipment gone. The last holding cell held promise. There was fresh blood drying on the floor and as they were leaving Clarke found something. A folded sheet of paper with a drawing. "Give me that" he said taking it from the blonde, his eyes focusing on the intricate sketch of himself wearing a crown made of bone and sitting on a throne. Beside him in the sketch stood Curie, dressed like a warrior with a hand on his shoulder. Curie had been here. Recently.
Adamant the body thief was nearby Roan stalked out of the lab.
Luna had baulked at going in, the scent of death and fear filling her nose. Instead she had remained outside and searched for any clues to track with. She found something. Some sort of vehicle larger then the Rover had come through recently. Whistling down to the others she followed the track on foot while they got the rovers ready to follow.
Luna led them to an old subway station, the tracks ending there. The vehicle was discovered nearby covered in a layer of tree branches to hide it. Roan was the first to go down, the light fading as they went underground.
They followed the tunnel for some time, unsure if they were going the right way until they came across a new looking metal door. The door and it's surrounding wall was newly built and sturdy, a card reader on the wall indicated the security. They tried in vain to prise the door open but it was suctioned shut. As luck would have it a guard team arrived about an hour later. The people wore fully enclosed outfits and carried high tech weapons but they were no match for the rage of Roan. Clarke plucked a card on a string from one of the guards and waved it over the scanner. The light turned green and the door hissed it's release. They took the weapons from the guards and proceeded in single file with the door automatically closing behind them.

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