Curie's Legacy

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Roan had held Curie all night while Clarke, Abby and Jackson drip fed the babies with blood and an eye dropper from the medical kit. When he emerged he looked like a ghost. "What will you name your children?" Abby asked trying to gain his interest in his children who desperately needed their father now more then ever. "Let me hold them" he said with a shudder in his voice indicating he was close to tears again. Jackson placed his son in his arms, "this is your son, he was born first" he said and Roan looked down at the wide eyed infant. "Hercules" he said and Clarke smiled at the reference to the God's son. Jackson wrote the name down with a careful hand before Roan placed him in one of the hand made cribs by the fire. Next Abby gave him the daughter she held, "this little lady was born second" she said and Roan gazed down at the baby, placing his finger in the baby's sweet chubby palm. "Fern" he said softly as the newly named baby yawned as if to express her liking for her new moniker. Fern was placed beside her brother in the second crib while Jackson wrote he name down in the same careful fashion. Clarke handed Roan his last born child. "She was born last" she said and Roan gently ran his finger down the baby girl's velvet smooth cheek. "Curie, I will name her Curie after her mother" he said and Clarke knew this was because the child had been with the adult Curie the longest and in Azgeda tradition was most likely to have absorbed her spirit.
With the three children named Roan looked somewhat proud although it and all the other memories soon to come would be tarnished by the fact their Loving Mother wasn't there to see them grow up. "I'll need help" Roan said with a hint of desperation and Clarke placed her hand on his shoulder, "you won't raise these children alone Roan, we will all help you" she promised. Roan felt something then, a sweet breeze that danced over his cheek playfully and he knew in his heart it had to be Curie letting him know that she too would be watching over her children and Roan vowed to raise the children in her honour, as her living legacy.

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