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(Y/n)'s Pov

Please be there! oh please be there! I need to see you! I want to.. I miss you!!

All of this thoughts were running through my mind wildly, the hope of him being close slowly faded when I saw the moon slowly being drawn out of the clouds! But my feet are still on the run, it's like they are never gonna stop until I see him.

please be there! wait!

Since I'm close, maybe I can call him! but will it attract some demons? -_-

I don't want to be a demons feast! but, it will be worth if he could hear it..

but what will happen if he doesn't??? or simply ignored it?

the pain in my chest bang again, it hurts..

this is all my fault, and I have to fix it! That's right, (y/n)! Just keep your hopes up and everything will be alrig--


"A h-human.. such..sweet..scent.. I...hungry... eat her.."

My legs stopped, the moment I heard that hideous voice. I turned where that voice came from as I saw what kind of demon it was..

I felt my heart dropped, it has  8 ugly heads, all of them had one eye, and had 4 pair of arms..

I felt my eyes heated up, is this the end of me? Being devoured by such a hideous monster without seeing him for the last time?


I tried opening my mouth but my voice won't come out..

Anyone, please help..


As my tear landed through the soil, the demon didn't wasted time jumping at me with its mouths widely open, saliva dripping..

I can't move an inch, that's why all I did was close my eyes and hesitantly accepted my unfortunate fate..


the pain didn't come at all.. huh?

As I slowly opened my eyes I saw the demon cried in pain while their heads are being ripped of by someone..

I couldn't clearly saw his face because my vision is kinda blury cause of the tears, but as I wiped them off then blinked thrice..

I saw the 8 headed demon on the ground lying on their own pool of blood, wait.. where is that someone?

I had to thank him..

I looked around, finally noticing a figure behind me but was hidden in the shadows so I can't really tell who this someone is..

As I observe its figure..
It has two big horns, pointed ears.. and has piercing golden eyes..

this someone seems familiar to me..

As I was just going to ask who this someone was he started to walk away..

"Hey.. wait! Uhmm.. whoever you are thank you for saving my life!"- I thanked, totally forgetting about asking who he was.

And then reality hit me! oh no!

I looked back at the moon, andt it made my eyes go wide.

it's still drawn in the clouds..

"What the?"

the moon's slowly drawn out!!! waiiiitttt!!! T.T

I just missed him!

I sighed in frustration.. there is always next time (y/n) just keep your hopes up.

As I was in the middle of no where thinking how to go back to the village, some familiar voice called out to me.

"(Y/n)-chan there you are!"- it was Kagome-san

"You idiot, don't go running away without us! tch"- the half-demon said

"Sorry.." - I apologized

"Why did you ran off (y/n)-chan?"- the little fox demon asked

"Actually, I thought I could finally see him tonight, but it turns out I just missed it."- I sadly said then looks down at my dirty feet

"Awh, don't worry (y/n)-chan we will find him soon!"- Kagome-san assured me

I smiled and nodded,"Yeah, I hope we will."

"Kah! If that brat's close why not follow him immediately?!"- the half demon said

"Hop in my back, idiot."- he said then sits down


"We'll catch up!"- Kagome-san said

"Okay! Let's go!"- I said to Inuyasha

"Heck Yeah, there is this weird scent that keeps on bothering my nose!"- he said while he started to run

woah, so fast!


"What kind of scent?"- I asked

"Like cherry blossoms and I think candy, that Kagome had brought with her everytime."- he answered

cherry blossoms and candy..

"Hey! Here you go!"- I said and gave him my scarf

"What the hell is this thing?!"- he asked annoyed at the breezing temperature

"It's a scarf dummy, just put it on your neck, it's warm."- I said and he obediently followed

"It has an intoxicatimg scent."- he said, making me blush

"Ju-Just keep it!"- I said back

"Yeah yeah, thanks woman."

My scarf! That's probably him!!!

"It's probably him, Inuyasha. Just follow the scent."- I told the half dog demon


I hope we can catch up to him.. then a sudden flashback, flash in my head

the scene that just happened recently, that someone who saved my life..

two big horns, pointed ears.. and has piercing golden eyes..

at that time the moon was drawn in the clouds..


is it possible?

cou-could that be...


[Crossover] Inuyasha & Kamisama Kiss (Reader x Akura-oh)Where stories live. Discover now