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(Y/n)'s PoV

What a very nice night. I did met him, but he said he doesn't want a weak human like me, amd that's that.

Hoping that all that happened last night was just a horrid dream, but it wasn't. It was really the reality that I couldn't escape and here I am now back at the shrine, tears endlessy falling since last night.

*pant *pant

I stopped running as I saw a vey familiar figure which made my heart skip a beat the moment I glance at his golden eyes.

He has a companion which I completely ignored.

His eyes..

Those eyes.. I really missed them..

The moment I catched up to my breath and just when I was about to speak, he cut me off.. By saying such words that I never though in my life he would actually say it to me.

"Go away human, you are no longer in use of me, yes I had fun but got bored easily, well who would have wanted an ugly human like you? Stay out of my life, you're just a burden, woman."

With that they left, leaving me dumbfounded whole tears streaming until morning amd whem Kagome-san and the others found me, Kagome-san suggested I should just go back which I hesistantly agreed.

It really hurts..
And I didn't even get to say a word to him.

In the end...

All people I had loved, ends up on leaving me alone..

I sat by below the shrine's old holy tree, it still has its hole. There I bursted with tears I was holding.

I can't feel my eyes.. I've been crying for almost half a day, and old lady Kumi is questioning me worriedly.

Why did you set me free?

Akura-oh's PoV

The moment I saw her tears falling down from her eyes, it felt like I was choked..

I couldn't breath in seconds.

I deeply regretted it. But this was the only way for keeping her put of danger.

Yet I completely thought I could just simply forget about her. But it is almost a month now and I still got her in my mind and..

O.O.. *dugdug


Was it really love I felt for that woman?

I thinkes and sniffed her scarf wrapped arpund my neck, I've been wearin' this wherever I go.

Her intoxicating scent still lingers on it, and this thing is only thing what I had left from her.

(Y/n) I really missed you.. How are you?

My thought was stopped when a voice called me.

"Brother let us get going."- said Tomoe and I just nodded.

As we walked to another village to destroy, he suddenly talked breaking the silence

"Brother, you seem deeply down recently, is it because of that human?"

I ignored him. Then heard him snickered.

"Brother you know that a demon and a human cannot be together."- he said, making myself being pulled back to reality..

He's right..

But I still feel this pang in my chest, which is very unbearable.

In the end, I came to a conclusion which I was too dumb to even realize it before..

My world is not complete without her.
I cannot feel joy anymore without her.
Her smiles makes my day bright.
And I didn't get to say these words that I long felt for her..

I love you, (y/n)

And I want you to know it so as the rest of the world.

I left Tomoe all alone, while him not noticing that my presence was gone, but I knew that it would only took seconds for him to notice I was not there anymore, sorry brother but like I care about the taboo..

All I care is (y/n) for she is my life.

I put a smirk in my face while going to her world, I knew that the damn tree would not work anymore (well, I tried many times but it still doesn't!).

I knew someone who could get me to her, guess the mighty me is getting some dog help. Tsk

[Crossover] Inuyasha & Kamisama Kiss (Reader x Akura-oh)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant