The Bitter Truth

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Alone is he in this empty world,
That he doesn't want to live anymore,
Because the pain is too much,

His world is shattering,
And it doesn't matter,
Becauce no one cared that
he's all alone,
No one to come and rescue him,

He smiles when he's with company,
But as soon as he's alone
the smile fades away,
And all that remains is a frown
that cuts deep within him,

Each night he cries himself to sleep,
Thinking he's nothing,
Not worth anything in this world,
Because he'll never be,

His world has crumbled beneath him,
And he's only hanging on a thread,
A thread so small that it could snap any time,
And his life would end at that,

He puts up a fake facadé,
A facadé that many believe is true,
Without once considering his pain,
They see him smile and immediately think he's okay,

He once used to have a geninue smile,
One that lit-up everyone's life,
Now he's just empty
Without a purpose whatsoever,

Everything he does is to please others
But never please himself,
He goes day-by-day
Finding ways to end his life,

He planned to take his life,
The life that was once valued,
appreciated and cared for,
But now has been abandoned,

Left to rot away by himself,
The only company he has are his thoughts,
Thoughts of what he was,
Thoughts of what he once had and
Thoughts about all the friends he had who are no more but just a mere thought in the dark,

He took his own life
because he could not bare it anymore,
He couldn't take all the loneliness,
All the emptiness he felt inside,
And so he's life was cut short,

On his funeral they mourned,
But he only laughed from beyond,
Because they never cared while he still lived,
Never showed affection for him
when he needed it most.

Now his soul is at rest,
For he has found his true purpose,
Though it was to late to do anything.
His story was tragic but they learnt from him.

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