Chapter 6

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I was biting into my cherry filled donut while i watched Matt and the boys finished up A Little Piece of Heaven. Matt ran off stage picked me up all sweaty kissed my cherry covered lips then yelled, "Come on!" and grabbed my hand.

Before I knew it we were on stage and he tossed me on the crowd. Syn and Zacky played to the beat of Unbound as Matt Jumped with me i grabbed his hand and to my shock I felt someone hit me in the ribs so hard my breath flew out and I tore my hand from Matt's to grab my side as I then fell to the ground. 

I felt people shoving and hitting me as I covered my head with my arms. Blood seeped from my lip and nose as I cried silently.. I heard Matt screaming and then other voices before everything just went dark.


"What the fuck was I thinking..?" I heard the tears in Matt's voice as the pain in my ribs burned. 

"It wasn't your fault." Zacky said.

Syn was on the other side of me his voice quiet and deep. "You couldn't have known that would happen."

"Jealousy is a strong feeling." Johnny's voice was distant as if he was nowhere near me. I opened my eyes then moaned and shut them tight.

"Baby are you alright?" Matt said kissing my forehead and cheeks I noticed he was very careful of my lips. 

"Yes." My voice was a croak and I took a sip of sprit that Syn held to my lips. 

"There's our girl." He said wiping softly against my chin.

"I want to go home." I said looking around at the guys who all looked scared and hurt. I cringed as I realized I had trouble sitting up but I did it anyway.

"Damn our girl is tough as nails.'' Zacky said hugging me tightly I squeaked and pushed him back.

They all hugged me and then went to guard the door Jimmy lingered kissing my forehead. "I love you." He said rubbing his knuckles across my head. 

I giggled and he ran out as Matt's foot came up and kicked him in the butt hard. 

Matt hugged me softly then pulled back to look at me cringing. "I'm so sorry.." His voice was a whisper and I felt it to my soul.

I kissed him softly at first because my lips hurt. The leather couch in the backstage room made an awkward sound and I giggled as Matt layed beside me wrapping me tightly in his arms his lips against my forehead. 

I touched his side my hand going under his shirt tracking his side. "Kiss me again." I said leaning my head back and he did trailing from my lips to my neck and stopping on my collar bone.

He breathed softly licking my collar bone then going back to my neck licking circles as his warm hands found my hip.

"She's perfectly fine." Zacky said as they came back in the room they must have knocked and we didn't hear because I was straddling Matt and kissing his bare chest.. thankfully that was the only exposed skin.. ten minutes and that would be a different story. 

"Let's get out of here." Matt said laughing. I blushed and umped up. I was sore but I was going to be fine if a little bruised..

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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