chapter 3

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I woke up and sat up slowly rubbing my eyes. It was early and it didn't smell like anything was burning so I got up and made my way to the kitchen area, well aware that I was wearing my faded old jersey and it was a little see through. I smiled at Jimmy as he slept with his mouth hanging open looking quite adorable. 

I opened the fridge and saw it was near empty. Note to self need food. I sighed grabbing the last mini bottle of chocolate milk. We would just have to send Zacky to pick up take out, I was way too tired to cook but I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Opening the door slowly so I didn't wake anyone I stepped into the cool grass. 

Smiling I plopped down on the stair. I liked this feeling, it was peaceful. Taking a sip of my milk I looked around as my eyes tried to focus in the darkness. An outline of a man made it's way toward me and I froze.. My heart was beating a little faster than usual but I didn't jump up and run like every cell in my body screamed at me to do.

"Good morning. How are you?" I sighed in relief as Matt came into view. 

"Geez Matt you scared me half to death!" I said with a mix of horror and relief that ended up sounding like a squeek because he plopped down next to me. His body heat made me warm as he leaned against me.

"Sorry." He said laughing. God he was so sexy.. My heart was racing but not from the scare he gave me. I couldn't help but notice his bare chest raising and falling with each laugh.

"No your not!" I said crossing my arms and pouting. I liked teasing him like this it made it way more fun than just sitting in silence.

"Okay I'm not." He said shrugging. I lightly punched his arm. "That hurt." He said rubbing it. 

Now I felt bad so I began rubbing it for him. "Sorry." I said and he started laughing softly. Touching him brought back my few experiences I had with him..

"No your not." He said with a large grin making his dimples show. I let my hand slowly stop moving as I thought of an awesome come back. 

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't make me bite you." I said licking my teeth slowly. He suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the ground. "Matt? I.. was kidding.. I'm not going to hurt you I swear." I said touching his back softly.

"I know." He seemed to draw away from me.. "We should stop. I mean you need to look for someone who can take care of you.." He sighed. "I don't want to hurt you." 

"Matt you won't.'' I said firmly. "I know what I am doing." I kissed his shoulder and met his eyes, mine pleading.

"Tell me you won't fall in love with me." He said searching my eyes. That hurt.. because I already had.. I knew he had been hurt by many women and he was not looking for anything solid. I still had hoped.. until now.. folish dreaming..

"I won't." I said firmly my eyes not meeting his. 

"You are young, find someone more like you get to know them for a few years and then get married.." He sighed. 

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