chapter 4

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Matt wiggled his fingers in my hand to get me to look at him. I smiled shyly wiggling mine aswell he grinned as Jimmy said. "We need to take a break and go shoot each other." The waiter was going to throw us out soon if the guys didn't stop yelling.

Johnny nodded downing another drink. "Yeah that sounds like fun." My hand grew cold as Matt's hand left it and went to my leg rubbing it gently, I giggled and everyone's eyes came to me. 

Playing it cool I put my hand on my chin. "I can set that up. I can see you all coming home with bruises. This will be funny." They nodded all just assuming I was laughing with them.

"You don't really want us in pain do you baby?" Johnny asked pouting, I shook my head no and he grinned. "See I knew you were a sweet heart." Matt's hand found it's way up my thigh and I laughed as a blush creeped up my cheeks. 

"I have to use the little drummer's room." Jimmy said leaving the table. Zacky followed him probably because he was already stumbling and he hadn't walked three feet. I laughed then turned to Matt and found him watching me, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. His lips were set in a sexy smile that made me bit my lip.

"Isn't she so cute when she blushes?" Johnny asked and I covered my face with my hair. 

"Let's arm wrestle for the next round of drinks I win you buy, you win you buy." Syn said and shook his head. "I mean you win I buy." 

"Okay." Johnny grinned thinking Syn had way too much. "Deal." They locked arms and to Johnny's disappointment Syn had him down in seconds. "Two out of three!" Syn laughed putting his arm back up.

I glanced at Matt and poked his side to get his attention. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, his hand moving slowly under the table making me squeek. He laughed softly and I glared at him before biting his shoulder quickly. I knew I had him because his face turned into a sexy grin, he wiggled his eyebrows licking his lips slowly.. 

"Hey you should get a room!" Syn yelled breaking us apart. I blushed again looking at the table. 

"Sounds like a great idea!" Matt said grinning at me. I laughed and gently punched his arm, he kissed my lips quickly. 

"Shut up." Johnny said crossing his arms across his chest. We had hurt his feelings.. I couldn't help it, I loved Matt.. "I have to go." I said getting up quickly, Matt's hand slipped off my leg as he looked at me. I couldn't rub this into Johnny's face, god it wasn't as if he didn't date random chicks all the time why was I the only one having to feel bad?

I shrugged at Matt walking out into the dark. It was cold so I pulled on my Monster/Fox hoodie not caring if it smugded my make up.

Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and nugded my neck with his nose. "I'm sorry." He said kissing me softly.

"It wasn't you. I just can't stand Johnny playing the poor me bullshit making me feel like a dog for liking you." I said turning my face to kiss his cheek.

"We can keep it professional around him if you want. That way you don't feel guilty." He sighed. 

"I guess, it sucks that I can't just have you to myself. I am a grown woman and I still have to be treated like a toy." I bit my lip. "Let's get out of here?" I made it into a question looking at him with a smile. 

"Where to baby?" He asked taking my hand. I shrugged as he flagged down a cab. "How about somewhere we can be alone?"

"Please." I said climbing in next to him. He laughed grabbing my hand as the cab driver pulled away from the curb. Random music blared from the front. 

"Where to sir?" 

"We don't know yet.. Just keep driving and ignore her screams." He said grinning wickedly. 

The cab driver looked at us in the mirror in horror until he realized Matt wasn't going to hurt me. "Good joke sir." He laughed nervously and kept his eyes focused on the road.

"Matt." I said punching his arm softly. He shrugged kissing my shoulder moving up my neck and finally stopping at my lips. My hoodie was getting in his way so he pulled it up blocking my view of him as he started kissing my collar bone and moving down. 

"Let us out here please." Matt said in a deep voice. The cab came to a slow stop and Matt tugged my hoodie down before the driver could look back at us for his money. After paying him Matt helped me out and we went into a motel. Honestly I hoped we stayed here all night it would be nice to sleep in a bed and have warm water to shower with. It was never easy sharing a shower with a bunch of boys, especially when they used all the hot water.


Matt grabbed the ice bucket and went to the door. "I'll be right back." He smiled closing the door behind him. I made my way to the bathroom leaving the door cracked. I started the water getting it to my temp and took off my dress hanging it on the back of the chair before walking back into the bathroom. 

"I got in under the water and began singing a sleeping with sirens song one that kind of fit how I was feeling.. "Stay for tonight.. If you want to.. I can show you.. What my dreams are made of, as I'm dreaming of your face.. I've been away for a long time.. Such a long time.. And I miss you there.. I can't imagine being anywhere else.. I can't imagine being anywhere else but here.

Matt climbed in, his lips pulled into a smile that had me blushing as he sang back to me. "How the hell did you ever pick me?.. Honestly, I could sing you a song.. But I don't think words can express your beauty.. It's singing to me.. How the hell did we end up like this?.. You bring out the beast in me.. I fell in love from the moment we kissed.. Since then we've been history."

I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him against me. We sang the chorus. "They say that love is forever.. Your forever is all that I need.. Please stay as long as you need.. Can't promise that things won't be broken.. But I swear that I will never leave.. Please stay forever with me.." Our lips melted together as his hands moved down my sides to my hips.

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