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This short story will be splited in Four to Five parts. Its not a story but a letter of some heartfelt words. Shivaay has been writing this letter, truly meant to profess his heart out to Anika.
This is the fifth year of their togetherness, Togetherness? Irony! cause, They are not together although they have been staying together under the same roof.
like Every year, This year also, Shivaay stole few times from his busy office hours and escaped from there, and rushed to his Mansion, to be exact, to Their bedroom. and settled down on a chair, He took out the diary where he has been keeping all those old letters safe and private.
He turned over a new page as He started jotting down all his feelings that have been clouding in his heart.
Read it to know more! and I'd be happy if my readers add their friends in the tag, and comment, and vote. From this time, I will keep a target (a logical one, I promise) before you all.
The Author
crazyLazyPri check this one.

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