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The first rays of Sun had been penetrating the half-opened window. Pretty disturbing although its warmth was comforting the two weary souls cuddling on the bed under the quilt. They had been exhausted after battling with their inner demons throughout the night. This senseless slumber was taking all their energy away from their souls which didn't help to blow down the wall of devil deep slumber surrounding their central nervous system and save them from it's hold. A diary was lying on the floor with some pages being scattered around It. The room had been lacking that temperature, It had been so cold until the Sun made his way to the room and brought some warmth back. Out of the blue A machine started making noise, further causing disturbance in the air of that room. Beep beeeeep!
Her breathing started becoming more uneven resulting to which She was hyperventilating in suffocation.
Her numb body started moving gaining some strength and Her head was digging the pillow while her hands reached at the cover clutching its end. An uneasy sense was covering her demeanor, her whole body was reacting to that. She gathered all her strength still being in that subconscious state and pushed the nearest object back. The object fell on the ground with a thud breaking the deadly silence of the room. "ahhhhh....What the wuck Anika"  An annoyed voice came from the floor, A voice? Better to consider it as a scream! The object yelled out loud, which made Anika rouse and sprang up instantly while sitting on the bed, as If She was waiting for his command to reach her ears. Her eyes were still closed tightly and She muttered under breath "Don't do That Shivaay..... do not, please......no...no.. no...... Don't leave me alone, I......I love you...... I will never fight with you, Please don't go" Her inaudible tone was getting cracked as She fumbled those last line. Shivaay heard her and immediately His trance got broken apart. He stood up to see Anika shivering and holding her forehead. She was crying bitterly and He couldn't see tears in her eyes. He cupped her face making her stare into his eyes. "What happened Anika? Are you fine? why are you shivering? Am here ok...... Was it a nightmare?" He tried to soothe her trembling figure while kissing her temple. He slowly caressed her back as She found her shelter in his embrace. After some time She got her stance back and opened her orbs to find herself in his chest. She felt heat on her cheeks which were getting a shade of crimson. She smiled at her condition and rebuked herself mentally for indulging in a fight with Shivaay last night which made her dream all those things. A nightmare could have been so effective on her subconscious mind, She never thought. She was sweating hard. When She completely brought back to the present She sighed in relief, She kissed his chest making him blush. He felt her to get normal state. He broke the embrace and asked her if She was feeling alright. She nodded affirmatively and gifted a faint smile.
"What did you see in your dream?" He wanted to know. "I saw you were leaving me forever And dying, You were mad at me as I was in coma due to an accident and could not respond to your pleas. You were writing a letter to me and It was our fifth anniversary" She described the nightmare in short and took him in a bone crushing embrace. She clutched his shirt making it almost torn. He pecked near her ear and whispered into it, "I know you can never let me go.......and about the nightmare, How could you imagine Shivaay Singh Oberoi would lose hope and stop fighting? He can never lose......even If its possible He can even rescue his love from the clutch of the death. We are destined to be together to live together. How can you think I would leave you or let you leave me? You dreamt as We had an argument last night and I threatened you that I would leave to New York without you." He assured her. She tightened her hold around him and buried her face in his chest. A smile crept up to her lips as She felt his physical presence. Slowly She got out of that traumatic dream and murmured softly "We will never fight again, But promise me You'll not go alone in that upcoming business tour." She pouted and it made him have a giggle, "Ok......but What did you say You saw We had completed our Fifth anniversary? I mean Just 9 months have passed since we got married and meanwhile You have planned for the fifth anniversary in your dream?" He chuckled making her annoyed, "That wasn't a dream but a nightmare! and please will you stop teasing me? You don't know how terrible I was feeling" She huffed. Shivaay felt it won't be good to make fun of her emotion cause He knew how painful that nightmare was and her state of mind and inner turmoil. "Dont worry, I wont let you stay here alone, You are coming with your Shivaay, How about a mini honeymoon?" He asked making an innocent expression, She baffled as She never thought about it. "Hon.. honeymoon?" Her jaw dropped off, "Yeah honey! Honeymoon it will be but before that We have to inform our family and pack our luggage, We may need some wooled clothes as well, so Lets go to shopping mall, and" He couldn't complete the sentence as She stole a kiss on his cheeks and said "before we can start the day, We will be needed a good morning kiss" He couldn't help but smile and They both kissed each other like there's no tomorrow although They really had enough time to celebrate the tomorrow and days after tomorrow.
A wind came out of nowhere and made those papers scattered once again and made her brush that dreadful nightmare away from her mind.

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