The Idea

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AN: Hey everybody. I am sorry I haven't updated a lot. It is kinda hard for me to do this during the school year. And I also had writer's block...and I had a mental breakdown...and i am like the personal psychologist for all my friends and I give them an outlet which causes me to stress and is part of my break down...and I think I may have depression but I don't know so I need to get that checked out...and I also have a chorus performance soon and I don't know how this is going to go. Anyways before you read This part I would like to give credit to Shadowfacer for the prank idea! That will be all, you may read now.

 "So how are we going to prank Chloe this year?" Alex was rubbing her hands together and smiling as we walked into the biggest room in the mansion, the library. It is the favorite room of the house not on.y because of its size, but because of the books.There is a special part of the library where they are the most. In this section, they keep Six of their most prized possessions.  These six items are books, books that they wrote together. The first book held all of Marinette's personal designs, designs that she would only share with Felix. So they all know to stay away when ever she looks through that book. The book itself was in cover that was covered in abstract lines the colors of black and red. The second book was Nino's. 

Nino mostly consisted of ideas on how to get all his friends to be couples, but the rest of what he has in there are some of his favorite arguments between Marinette and Felix. His book is always getting bigger. His book looked and felt like that of a sea turtle with a deep sea green color. 

Nathaniel's was the third book. He won't share what is in his book, but the group suspects its kinda just his outlet. He once told them that he doesn't just make comics from his imagination, but he sometimes makes comics about his personal life. Seeing as Nathanial is probably  the quietest of this group, they don't push much. Nathaniel has been through a lot as a child. They only know the basics of what he went through but don't bring it up because they are afraid of driving him away. ( I thought, that maybe I should have a few characters that have gone through difficult things. And in my opinion, I think that should be on of the reasons that Nathaniel is so quiet in the show, but that's just me.) His book is covered with his art. Comic versions of events like pranks they pulled on chloe in the past. 

Alex and Kim decided to combine their books into one because there simply was not enough space for all of their pranking ideas. But it is mostly filled with competitions the had in the past, who won, and why they won or lost so they can get better and have a rematch.

But then There's Felix's book. Nobody, not even Marinette, knows whats in it. The entire book is black except for a large green cat eye on the cover. (You will understand why this is important later 😉)  "I think I might have one." Nino says in a somewhat menacing tone that would have probably scared a child. "Well? Aren't you gonna tell us?" Kim say, as everyone is staring expectantly at Nino. " let's just say that, we'll it involves fireworks and pineapples."

Meanwhile with Alya and Adrien....

They were caught before they could even enter the building. They left wondering the exact same thing.......

What the heck was that about and how can I get in on it?

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