was that expected or unexpected?

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"Soooooo-" Nino started to say, "Um run?" Kim who is laying face down on a table which, for reasons unknown, has its legs broken off. He also, for unknown reasons is covered from the neck down completely covering the back of his body that suspiciously looks like watermelon. 

"Yea run, um- running sounds good." Kim says nervously to Nino while looking at Nathaniel and Alex, who have just emerged from their hiding spots behind large panels of bullet proof glass they used as shields against what was like a mini explosion. 

   Both have that kind of look on their face when someone is like, 'well that just happened and i told you it would' or like 'you guys are idiots and we told you this would happen we just didn't expect it to happen when we were in the room with you'. 

  "You should have waited for Marinette, this would have gone so much smoother if we had just waited." Nathaniel said as he looks around with wide eyes, hoping that the Maids didn't hear the mini explosion in their SER.

   That stands for their Secret Experiment Room. Nino wanted to call it the Room of Experimental Interdimensional Destruction (because of that time when they accidentally opened multiple portals to other dimensions) or REID (get it ;)). Felix wouldn't let him though and so it was dubbed SER.

  When Marinette returned to SER, the first thing running through her head was, why is there watermelon everywhere....and where did we get so many? . But its not much of a surprise to her though. Its not like this is the first time they blew something up without her.

   She chuckled quietly to herself, remembering on that one prank where they blew up Chloe's bedroom. That day the prank was originally to paint everything black ,but they had to make their own paint and alex accidentally added a chemical to the paint that actually blew a hole in the side of chloe's room. It still had the same effect they had hoped for though, The mayor's daughter's reaction was priceless. 

But her, not wanting to deal with her friends craziness at the moment, decided to walk away for a bit to her designing room.  She still needed to finish that suit for some rich guy in Nevada. All she needs to do now is to add the lines and make it symmetrical and then it can be shipped off. geez whoever this guy is sure likes his skulls...and lines...

okay so sorry that its been awhile guys. you know how it is. hard to update during school year and sophomore year is tough anyways hope you enjoyed this short part!

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