Well THATS not strange at ALL

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"She's totally stalking us" "yes, she's not being very inconspicuous at all, clearly she could have picked a better spot to spy on us than the tree." "Let's not give her any ideas guys., I'm sure once I tell her about a few things then she'll be satisfied for a while." Really she had no idea what she was going to tell Alya. She could tell her that She and Felix are childhood friends but she did not know where to start explaining why she's at a mansion practically every day, or how she was good at hiding the fact she went to one from her. She was going to lie, obviously. She couldn't just tell her the truth. One: because their's too much to explain and probably wouldn't make any sense, and two: the laws of the multiverse forbids it. why? because some of what they do involves certain things they could get in trouble for in some realities. She's just glad that it isn't this one otherwise they wouldn't be in Paris anymore...
So Marinette really needed to think about what she can and cannot tell Alya .
Nino sighed beside them and was about to say something. Probably about how Alya has ears like a bat, when an alert in all their phones went off. Simultaneously, the group pulled out their phones to see what it said. They were careful to hide what was on the screen when they all looked at each other. "We should see who's here this time." Said Alex.
"Let's hope it's someone new this time." Kim said as Nathaniel gave him a look. "Let's not. We know to many people from other worlds as it is." "Let's at least hope it is not someone evil"
"Felix, don't you mean you hope it's not another evil being of power that we somehow rehabilitate into a chaotic neutral/good?" Sigh. "Yes Mari, that. They are so much work." "True"
They had turned off the alarm and were now headed to the mansion. "You know, it said that it was both red and green. Do you think it's dragon boy or ghost boy?" "It could be both of them, remember they are from two separate realities that have been known to interlace with one another. Yes, but it could also be two people from one dimension just with different colors. Well... that, or Jake's and Danny's respective worlds were merged into one. Isn't that how we met them in the first place?" "I doubt that is what is happening now."
"Can we just hurry up and see who it is already?"
The group hurried to the gates in front of the mansion to see exactly who it was that came. Unaware that a certain blond that is actually very good at disguises was listening...

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