It's not stalking!!!

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Hey guys it's been a while huh? Yea... sorry about that. I had a MAJOR mental block for this story for a while. That and I got sidetracked by a lot of other ideas again. Anyways I will try to set a goal for myself so I can finish this cause I have no idea how long this is gonna be.

Adrien POV

Lately , it seemed that all Nino and Marinette would do is go to school, go home and hang out with the mysterious Felix character. It's been about three weeks since he showed up in class. I mean it's not like I hate the guy or anything-but, I'm curious how is it they know each other? I know Alya is curious too. Who wouldn't be? Our best friends seem to spend more and more time over at the mansion that, I have learned by following and watching and listening to them. "Isn't this technically stalking them?" I ask Alya. We are currently in disguise, following our friends one again. It seems they are heading towards the subway. "We're not stalking them, were just being reporters, getting every detail we can, following their every move, learning their schedules so we know what they will do next." "So..we are stalking them." I deadpaned. "Shut up and follow I want to figure this guy out." She exclaimed excitedly as we watched the group sneak down the subway tunnels. Another thing, they started sneaking around like ninjas. Just yesterday Nino sneaked up behind me and I didn't even know he was there till he touched my shoulder. Seriously I didnt know he could do that. I seem to be discovering so many new things apparently. "So what do we have so far?" I question her. "You mean what do I have so far? Well, I learned from Rose and Juleka that Felix used to go here for school up until a few years ago. His parents had him sent to a boarding school of higher learning or something, oh and that he and Mari were like super close. Like overly close. Like almost together together clo- "okay I get it you don't need to continue!" I stuttered. Why did I do that? Why is Alya suddenly smirking at me? "Alright let's continue stalking them." That wipes the smirk off her face and replaced it with a look of annoyance as we kept walking. "It's not stalking!"

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