BMTH - Oli Sykes

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Night Terrors


Waking up sweat drenches you head to toe, night terrors use to rule your childhood but as you got older you grew out of them. They only really came back when you were stressed out about things and recently you were beyond stressed out. You'd just lost your job through my fault of your own, your boss was a sleaze and he fired you because you wouldn't sleep with him. Now you were struggling to find a job because he blackballed you from many media publications.

Knowing you weren't getting back to sleep anytime soon, you get up and head to your bathroom to clean off some of the sweat. You were thankful your best friend Oli had a spare room he was letting you crash at free of charge. If it wasn't for him you'd have been out on the streets.

You and Oli had been friends since primary school, and when he started his band Bring Me The Horizon you reviewed their shows and albums. The band actually landed you your dream job.

Something bugged you though. Earlier tonight when the two of you were at a party Nicholls was throwing he let slip that Oli had always wanted to be more than just friends with you, but he thought you were out of his league so settled on friendship. Oli was attractive there was no doubt about it, and if anything you were out of his league.

Instead of going back to your room you shuffle across the hallway and slip into Oli's room where he was fast asleep. Maybe you shouldn't wake him up, but before you can leave his room he stirs and rolls over.

"y/n is that you? What's wrong?" he questions sleepily.

You sigh, "I had a nightmare. Can I stay here? Just for tonight?"

Oli lifts up the duvet and you happily crawl onto the bed next to him. He opens his arms and you fall into them finding comfort.

"Do you want to tell me what tonight's was about y/n?"

You shake your head, "just the same old same old Oli. I don't really want to talk about it if that's okay."

He nods and doesn't question you any further. You lie down with your face away from him but his arms still around you. A few minutes pass in comfortable silence before you feel Oli rubbing calming circles on your back which makes you smile.

"You really remember me telling you that this calms me down? Huh, I thought you weren't listening that day Oli."

Oli chuckles, "of course I was listening y/n, I always listen when you speak."

Rolling back over you look up at his face half covered in shadows to see a hint of blush on his cheeks. Oli had such a hard bad boy appearance, but when you got to know him he was really sweet and caring. Maybe you should act on Nicholls drunk advice.

"I'm going to do something Oli and I don't want you to hate me."

He tilts his head to the side, "I could never hate you y/n."

Taking a deep breath, you sit up and press your lips against his. He jolts in surprise and you think you've ruined everything, but what he does next takes you by surprise. He cups your chin and returns the kiss.

After a few seconds, he pulls back and you feel slightly out of breath, "remind me to thank Nicholls later."

Oli snorts, "Way to kill the mood love."

You sneak in another kiss before laying back down with your head resting on Oli's chest. Oli starts to stroke your hair and for the first time in a long time, you feel at peace.

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