Tour with Jonah

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I wake up and look at the clock. 11:30. Shit I only have a half hour before I have to meet Jonah. I ri  to the bathroom and shower. Then get dressed in black tights Jean shorts and a red crop top. With my red and black high tops. I brush and braid my hair. Then run downstairs. 15 minutes left.
I grab milk strawberries, vanilla yogurt and bananas. I put everything in a blender and blend it. Then put it in my plastic cup with a lid and straw. I run back upstairs and grab my phone and put it in my purse. Cyrus is asleep so I put a note on his nightstand. And run back down stairs. Grab my smoothie and keys and run out the door and look it. Just in time to see Jonah walking up the sidewalk. 
"Hey Nev" Jonah says
"Hey Jonah" I say
"You look nice" he says
"So do you" I say. We start walking.
"So I told yoy my story yesterday. Now you tell me yours" i say
"I don't really have one" he says
"Oh come on Jonah. Everyone has a story" I say
"Well I have a little sister. I never met my dad and I have only lived here my whole life" he says
"You and your sister have different father's? " I ask
"Yea my mom told me that when my dad found out she was pregnant. He left because he didn't want a child" he says
"So do you have your mom's last name or your dad's?" I ask
"My dad's. It's the only part of him I have" he says
"Oh that's sad" I say
"Yea I guess" he says
"So then what about your sister" I ask
"My mom and her dad are married so he's my step dad" he says
"Oh so I'm assuming she has his last name" I say
"Yea. So are you an only child?" He asks
"Yea" I say
"So you and Cyrus are pretty close huh" he says
"Yea Cyrus has always been like a brother to me. He calms me down. Helps me when I'm sad. He helped my through my parents divorce and my break up with Gabe" I say
"Oh" he says "So do you play any sports"
"No but I did love playing ultimate frizbee with my friends in Denver" I say
"No way! Our school has a team and I'm the captain. You should join" he says
"Oh my god you have a team" I say
"Yea so what do you say" he says
"I will join" I say
"Cool what do you want your name on your jersey to be" he asks
"I don't know" I say
"How about Nev" he asks
"No only Cyrus calls me that" I say
"Okay what about Heaven" he asks
"Why Heaven?" I ask
"Its Neveah spelled backwards" he says
"That's cool but I want my name to have a meaning" I say
"Its does. The meaning is: my life is heaven with you in it" he says and grabs my hands
"Aww Jonah that's so sweet" I say
"So what do you say" he says
"Heaven it is" I say
"Awesomesauce" he says

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