Seeing Bex

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I was walking to the diner with everyone after school. Thinking about my talk with Jonah earlier and the fact that Gabe already moved on. If he ever loved me in the first place. I realized though that I might be moving on. Should I have moved on this early. He did. So why can't I. I think Jonah is cute and nice. He wraps his arms around me and I felt sparks. He kissed my forehead this morning. He was holding my hand at lunch and he is holding it right now and I feel sparks. Oh my god I like Jonah. I need to tell Cyrus. Wait he already knows.
"Guys I have alot of homework I should go" I say
"Neveah all your classes have at least one of us in them and none of us have homework" Cyrus says
"Yea I umm. I asked the teacher for uhh.. extra credit homework.. yea that's what I did." I say
"Extra credit Neveah it's your first day" Jonah says
"Just wanna get a jump start on being productive" I say
"Are you okay Nev you seem a little tense" Cyrus says
"Umm fine Cy hey that rhymed well bye" I say then run off
Jonah P.O.V
"That was weird" I say
"She's hiding something" Cyrus says
"No duh" Buffy says
"What is it" andi says
"Umm guess we have to find out" I say
"So I have this theory" Cyrus says
"What is it" andi says
"Well we Jonah isn't here Neveah is normal but when he is here she is really nervous" Cyrus says
"How can you tell she's nervous other then her studdering and desperate attempts to leave" I ask
"When ever she was nervous she would rhyme her sentences" Cyrus says
"Well I talked to her earlier today and she didn't" I say
"Maybe she is only nervous with Jonah in front of us" Buffy says
"Why would she be nervous around me though" I say
"Jonah I'm gonna tell you something and you can't tell Nev I told you okay" Cyrus says
"Okay" I say
"Neveah likes you" Cyrus says
"Oh my god" I say
Neveah P.O.V
I make it home and into my room. I really need to talk to someone. But I can't go to Cyrus about this or my aunt or my parents. I got an idea. I text andi.
Text Neveah andi
Hey andi
Hey Neveah what's up
Is there anyway that I could talk to Bex about something
Bex? Why Bex
Cause I don't wanna go to my mom my aunt or Cyrus
I'll come over in 5 and we can go to my house
Great thanks
End of conversation

There is a knock on the door which I'm assuming is Andi. I grab my purse and put my phone and wallet in it. Then open the door.
"Hey Nev" she says
"Hi Andi" I say. We walk to her house in silence time we are walking up the walk way.
"Oh just a quick thing. Umm Bex isn't my sister" Andi says
"What is she then" I ask
"My mom" Andi says
" really wow" I say. We reach the door and andi opens it
"Mom I home and i brought Neveah with me" andi yells
"I'm in the kitchen" Bex yells
"Mom Neveah needs to talk to you about something that she doesn't wanna go to her family about" Andi says
"What about" Bex asks
"A boy" I say

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