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I sighed. "I had a feeling..."

"But why?"

"Because...my father was their leader. He controlled them, like they're controlling me right now. He killed their family, and now they want revenge, and they want me to kill for them." Minho said.

"They...want you to kill?"

"They made me kill. I'm a murderer, you guys."

The group was silent.

"I can't escape this." Minho's voice cracked. "It's driving me insane, I don't want to do this anymore."

"You have to escape." I said.

"How? They're just track me all over again."


"I'm sorry." Bobby said. "I assumed the worst in you."

"...it's okay. I would too."

"We missed you, man."

"I missed you all too." Minho said.

"We thought you were dead."

"We even continued your business for you."

Minho smiled sadly. "It's amazing that you guys actually did."

"I became reallll good at making that shit." Bobby said.

"That's shocking."

"He almost lit everything on fire the first time though." Heize laughed. "You nearly cried because it burnt your hair."

"Shut up." Bobby said.

I smiled to myself. I missed these moments.

"Why you smiling so weirdly?" Minho examined my face but his expression changed when he saw something. "Bro is that a hickey?!"

I sighed. "I swear to god if someone asks about it one more time-"

"She and Jinhwan did you-know-what." Bobby said and made a dirty motion with his hands.

"We did not!" I denied.

"When did you guys become so...intimate?" Minho asked.

"Oh yeah, he wasn't there when they were smooching and stuff." Bobby said.

"Damn, a lot happened when I was gone."

I rubbed my temples.

Jinhwan laughed. "Sure did."

"Hope you kids used protection."

"MINHO!!" I lifted my foot and kicked him where-the-sun-don't-shine.

"We did none of that, I swear." Jinhwan said.

"Ow!!" Minho yelped. "I was just kidding, but if it really does happen make sure-"

Delinquent: iKON Kim JinhwanWhere stories live. Discover now