MMIL Chapter 1

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This chapter includes some sexual and drug/alcohol and language content so if you don't like that kind of thing I would stop reading here!

     The door slams. Louis starts hammering up the stairs as his sister follows him. Louis once again says no to helping one of his little sisters, Lottie, with her homework.

"If you're so damn worried why don't you just hire a tutor or something!" Louis yells down the stairs, not turning around.

"I want your help, though! You know this stuff!" She yells at his back.

"I'm not tutoring you, alright? Just drop it before I really get angry!" Louis slams his bedroom door in Lottie's face. Lottie is used to this by now, ever since he didn't get signed to play for a famous football team.

Louis had always dreamed of being a part of the Blue Wings Football team ever since he was a kid. Johanna, his mother would drive him to the football fields and he would kick around the ball for hours. But now, after failing to get accepted onto the team, and after everything he's ever worked for, he shut himself in a cage. Locked down. Refuses to talk to anyone. He lost all his friends, his family lost respect for him, he started getting involved with the wrong sort of people. He started drinking and smoking, cutting up his arms; he basically gave up on life as he knew it. To be honest, he had forgotten all about what he learned in high school so there was no way he could have helped his little sister, even if he had agreed. He would have looked at the homework and just felt even worse, thinking he was stupid because he didn't know basic year 10 homework.

The next day was a Saturday. Louis groans as the sun pierces through the blinds, hitting his eyes. He pulls the covers over his head. Feeling the sheets rub against his bare back in the mornings is one of his favorite things these days. He moves his legs back and forth, feeling the soft fabric and listening to the linens hit every part of him, swimming in the comfort of his own bed. He relaxes, and sighs at the calm quietness of his room.

Suddenly the front door opened. Who the fuck would be here on a Saturday? He thinks to himself. He pokes his messy bed head out from under his dark blue sheets and listens.

There is the usual Johanna and Lottie voice, but then there's a deeper one. A voice with a sexy grumble to it, one that's mysterious and hard, yet, with an innocent tongue to it. What the hell is it this time? Louis thinks as he rolls out of bed. Sliding into a superman shirt and pajama pants he opens the door slowly so no one notices him.

He peeks over the railing to see who was in his den. He saw Lottie sitting on the couch next to Johanna, it looks as though they are talking to someone. That someone must be the deep, groggy voice Louis heard when he woke up. He can't quite see, so he just listens instead.

"So, Harry, how well do you do in school?" Asks Johanna.

"I've got good grades. Never really do anything else but draw and play music."

"Isn't he just perfect, mum?" Lottie skips out of her mouth with intense happiness.

"Sure, but, what about all your tattoos? And...the lip piercing?"

"Right, well they all mean something to me. And the piercing, well, one night I felt like being a I regret it." Harry mumbles.

Well, I'll turn you into a real rebel, Harry. Louis thinks to himself. Louis accidentally loses his balance and makes the door fly open, hitting the wall on the hallway.

"Louis, is that you?" Johanna asks.

"Shit." Louis mumbles as he picks himself back up. He starts coming downstairs. He finally gets a good look at this 'Harry' lad.

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