MMIL chapter 4

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This chapter contains some language/sexual content so if that's a trigger or you don't like that kind of stuff, please read something else! (trying not to offend anyone <3)

    Louis and Harry wake up in bed together later that day. Both naked, they slowly open their eyes as sleep pulls them back shut. Their legs are intertwined under the sheets, and Harry is holding Louis. Louis has his face nuzzled between Harry's cheek and neck. He smells his neck, smiling.

He smells like fresh air, honey, pure soil, and sex. He smells like an angel. The sun leaks trough the airy blue curtains in Harry's room. Louis' smile slowly goes away as he realizes the sun is shining, and it's daytime.

"Harry? Oh my God, Harry! I have to get home! My mum's gonna kill me!" He says, pulling out of Harry's arms.

"It's alight, Love. Just explain what happened when we get there, I'm sure she'll be okay with it." Harry says, trying to calm Louis down.

"No, you don't understand. Shit! I don't even know-" Louis looks at the clock and starts panicking. "Harry, it's almost noon!" Louis yells, now panicking even more. Harry gets up and starts getting dressed. Louis runs downstairs to put his clothes back on. The fireplace had dried them off pretty well, but they're kind of stiff from being rained on.

Louis grabs his boxers and slides them on, then his jeans, then his shirt. As he goes to grab his jacket, he sees a small blood stain on the inside of the collar. He stares at it, then Harry walks in.

"What's the matter, Lou?" Harry asks, coming towards Louis.

Louis just stands there, holding his jacket with one hand, and the back of his head with another.

"Harry, what the hell happened to me last night?" Louis asks, disturbed at the fact that there was dry blood on his jacket.

"You hit your head on the concrete, Lou. You lied there while I took care of Sam. I ran over to you and carried you home, where my mum took care of it for you. It was just a bad scratch, nothing more. That's what she told me. Do you feel alright?"

After hearing what had happened to him, Louis cringed and put his jacket on.

"Yeah, I feel fine. Let's just leave." He puts his Vans on, and walks out the door. Harry follows, struggling to put his other arm through his jacket.

"Lou, slow down! It's going to be alright!" Harry's says, catching up with Louis.

"Harry, can I ask a favor of you?" Louis asks, grabbing Harry's hand to hold.

"Yeah, of course you can."

"I don't know how this will go. Do you something goes wrong....could I....well...I don't want to intrude...but..."

"...but you should stay with me if you need a place to stay." Harry finishes his sentence.

Louis looks up at Harry lovingly, and pulls closer to him as they walk across the London Bridge, heading back to Louis' house.

     Louis walks in the door of his house, heart pounding. His mother is waiting for him like pray out in the wild. She jumps out in front of him, pointing a finger right at him. Louis looks down, refusing to look at her.

"Where have you been, young man!? I cannot believe you didn't even bother to call me or find a way to let me know that you would be out so late and not come back until the afternoon? The girls have already had their tea! Not that you come down to spend Tea Hour with your family anymore, but it would have been nice to know that you were at least just upstairs!" Johanna complains. She huffs out a dragon-like breath in front of Louis, who still won't look up.

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