MMIL chapter 9

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This Chapter may contain violence/language/sexual/drug content so if this is a trigger for you or you don't like that kind of writing, please find something else! (Trying not to offend anyone <3)

        Louis and Harry are startled awake by the knock at the door. They rub their eyes, trying to wake back up again after only being asleep for an hour. 

"Who in the world...?" Harry asks in a sleepy, groggy voice. They get up and put some clothes on to go downstairs.

The knocking continues up until they open the door. Jacqueline is standing on the front porch, out of breath and in panic.

"Louis I know it's early in the morning but I had to come here." She says, leaping into Louis' arms and wrapping her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder.

Louis squeezes her in a hug for a second, then pulls back.

"Jackie, what's going on? You alright?"

"I mean, for now, yes. Sam is hunting me down! He found out where I lived and trashed my place while I was at work. I came straight here because he said he would be back later and I don't what to know what he's going to do to me..." She says frantically.

Louis sighs, knowing how Sam is. He's the type of guy who has only one thing on his mind when it comes to girls and he knows exactly what Sam would do to her if she were alone.

"Here's what we're going to do. Get a couple people you trust and have them meet you a block away from your apartment building. I'll go with you on the bus back to your place. We're going to wait for him there and deal with him once and for all."

Louis lets her in, guiding her to their sofa in the den. She sits down on the very edge of the cushion and folds her hands in her lap, sitting up very straight. She doesn't usually come into nicer homes like Harry's, so it's very unfamiliar to her.

"Hello, Harry. Suppose you're upset at me for coming to your house this early in the morning." She says, nervously giggling at her hands. She doesn't want to look at Harry in fear that she will disrespect him. Louis goes upstairs to change into some clothes that are a little more threatening, like a leather jacket and black boots. Harry sits next to Jacqueline as they both wait for him to come back downstairs.

"I'm not upset at you." He says, looking at her directly.

"Are you sure? I mean the first thing I did to you when we met was sit in your lap with nothing on. I can feel your level of respect for me lower with every word I say..." She says, very insecurely.

"I don't have any less respect for you than I do for any other woman. I know that wasn't who you were when we met. I knew you weren't going to do anything to me because you flat out said to me you didn't want to. Even though it was very uncomfortable, I trusted you. I still do. Louis and I will take care of you, Jacqueline. I promise."

Jacqueline looks up at Harry, shocked.

"You don't think you're coming with us, do you?" She asks, tears building up in the inner corners of her tired eyes.

"I'm not? I thought Louis and I were going to help you?" He says, backing up a little.

"Harry, no! This is between me, Louis and Sam. If we drag you into this, you're most likely to get shot out of any of us. Louis is never going to risk that. I bet you he's going to tell you to stay here where you're safe. I wouldn't want you to come. It's too dangerous."

"But I'm the one that knocked Sam out for three days. I can handle him. It's Louis you should be concerned about! He's the one who's gone through so much shit. He doesn't need anymore. I'm coming with you two!" Harry says, standing up in aggravation. He was going to protect his Louis no matter what Jacqueline says.

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