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It was last period for Marou High. May and Brad had Social Studies together. Mrs. Ron gave the class a vocabulary project that they had 'till friday to finish. So, the whole class was pretty much goofing off.

"Hahahahaa!! Really??" Brad laughed so much that he had to bend over his seat, clutching his stomach.

"Yeah!! You should have seen her face," May laughed. The two had been discussing how May has a high tolerance for spicy things. Bringing up May's stories at her Aunt Arriana's house. She was spending the night with her aunt having fun when she got hungry for a snack. Looking in the fridge, May saw a jar of chilies. She slapped a few on a plate and went to the living room, sitting down. May was about to start on her fifth chili when Aunt Arriana walked in, her jaw dropping.

"So you ate five of the hottest chilies in the world and you didn't even flinch??" Brad exclaimed.

"It wasn't hottest chili in the world.. just the third hottest," May laughed slightly. The thing is, May really messed up eating those chilies. Her aunt had imported those in especially for her husband, Uncle Boe, for his birthday.

Gosh, your so fat!

Couldn't you just wait for dinner!!

You mess everything up!!

May's smile became more forced and she looked away as Brad finished chuckling.


Beep Beep Beep

Mrs. Ron??

"Yes Ma'am??" Mrs. Ron responded to the intercom.

Can you please send May Bahlue to the office to sign out??


Okay, thank you.

Beep Beep Beep

Brad raised his eyebrows at May questioningly trying to ask her Where you going?? May shrugged, I have no idea, as she gathered her things and walked out of the class. May had a sudden feeling of queasiness.

Why would I be checked out early?? Is something wrong?? Did I mess up again??

May walked into the office to find a grim Aunt Arriana. May held her breath, waiting for whatever news her aunt had.

"May," Aunt Arriana stopped. Tears formed in her eyes and her lip quivered, "It's your mother.." She said right before she burst into tears. May reached out and hugged her, starting to cry as well, though she did not know exactly what was wrong. The two stayed like this a while, receiving sad glances from the principal. Finally though, May had enough and still wrapping and arm around her aunt's shoulders and starting walking out to the car. Once the two were buckled in Aunt Arriana wiped her tears and began to drive.

"So, what happened," May asked after an awkward silence.

"Well, your mom.. She was sick ya know??"

"Yeah, with pneumonia.." May replied.

"Okay, well, it got worse. She went to the hospital this morning a-and she.." Aunt Arriana couldn't continue.

"So, she-e's dead??" May asks teary eyed.

"Well.. no.."

"No?? What does that mean?? Please explain Aunt Arriana!!" May went into hysterics.

"Okay, your mother just.. she.. well, she's unconscious May!" Aunt Arriana took a deep breath, "They hooked her up all day, she was starting to show some small signs of getting better! She then took a little nap and.. she won't wake up.. the doctors just.. they just don't know!!" May's aunt began to yelled, infuriated at the world.

Why are doctors even there if they can't tell what's wrong with someone!!

Why does God hate me, hate the world!!

Aunt Arriana began to vent inside and out until May was able to calm her down for a bit.

"It's alright, everything's gonna be okay. You know Mom would never wanna see you like this! Come on, stop the car, let my fix your makeup," May soothed her aunt. Stopping the car Aunt Arriana turned to her favorite niece, letting her wipe away her bleary face. Once May had wiped away all the makeup she gave her aunt a big hug. Sniffling Aunt Arriana pulled away and gave May her best smile. She then turned back to the road and turned on the truck. The rest of the ride to the hospital is in silence...

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