The Hospital

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May spent two weeks in the hospital, watching over her mother. Everyday May's friend's brought her the work she needed from school and some stayed with her for a few hours. Most couldn't handle the air May had around her though..

May was awoken one night to nurses everywhere. Her mother was now in critical condition. Dr. Hugh, who had been working on May's mother since she was admitted into the hospital, approached May and Aunt Arriana.

"I have seen no signs of your mother awakening, now I can hook her up to life support, which might not help, but it is now your choice," Dr. Hugh sadly told the girls.

"Is my mother in pain right now??" May asked with a tremble in her voice.

"Well.. I-"

"J-just answer, is she in pain??"

"From what I can tell.. Well, right now your mother's symptoms are: coughing up mucus, high fever, and fast breathing. All of this is worsened because of her asthma. So, you can put two and two together and.." Dr. Hugh starts to babble.

"Okay, just a moment Doctor, please just leave us for a moment please," Aunt Arriana shoos him away.

"May.. May, honey, what do you feel like doing??" Aunt Arriana sniffles.

"Oh, Aunt Arriana, don't put this decision on me!!" May began to cry.

"Oh darling," May's aunt hugged her and stroked her hair. The two stayed like this for a time.

"I don't want her to be in pain! But, I want my mother!!" May wailed.

"I know, oh I know sweetie," Aunt Arriana cooed.

The girls did decide to put May's mother on life support that day.. But, sadly, it didn't help.

Diana Bahlue died May 17, a saturday, at 2:45 p.m at 40 years old.

The Bahlue family all came and gathered by her side on the hospital bed. Everyone was either crying or telling stories about Diana. Everyone was always patting May's back or giving her a sad look.

I wish they would stop, they are just reminding me of who I have lost.

It's not like any of them actually care, they love my mother, not me.

It's your fault!!

She is dead because of you!

You're the one that got her sick!!

All these thoughts and more ran through May's head. The next day was the funeral. Many people were there, friends, family, and even strangers. At the end of the funeral, Diana's closest family (that being: May, Aunt Arriana, Steve (Diana's father), Aunt Lila, and Uncle Edward (Diana's step-sister and step-brother)) stood at the front. People passed them by with sorry's, I'm here for you's, and grim, sad looks. But May didn't listen, she was tired of listening to the same thing. Finally it was time for everyone to get in their vehicles and drive behind the hearse to the graveyard where all the Bahlue family is buried. May had just turned 16 on the 3rd, getting her license, so she drove by herself.

The burial was short and sweet with a few words about Diana and a song. As soon as it was over May ran to her beat up, blue truck and drove away. She felt bad for leaving Aunt Arriana to deal with all the people there but she figured her aunt would understand. May drove fast to.. well, no where in particular. May was just trying to escape her life, at least for a moment. After driving a few hours May recognized where she was. When May was around five her mother had a rich boyfriend. He was really nice, May really thought he would be her dad.. Anyway, while they were dating they decided to build a beach house together. May helped design and decorate and the two adults built the house by hand. After they broke up, he didn't want the house, so every now and again they would go to the beach house for a weekend. May parked the truck and locked it. The house was a pretty good size with baby blue paint that was peeling. They had white shutters, roof, and a birch wood porch that wrapped around the house. As she got to the front door, May bent down to the flower pot next to it and dug until she found the spare key. May unlocked the door and walked in. All the furniture was covered with those clear type sheets and a layer of dust. So May got busy cleaning the house. May sweeped and mopped the floors, she took the sheets off everything and dusted. Once all the rooms looked clean and habitable, May sat down in the kitchen. The grandfather clock in the hallway said 5 o'clock. May climbed on the counter in the kitchen and checked the cabinets for anything to cook. May and Diana's last visit was for New Years so the canned food was still good. Not so much can be said for the milk. May finds some spaghetti noodles and canned tomato sauce. She has to go outside to turn on the water and then gets to work, making dinner for herself. May sets the table for one, using their nicest china. While looking through the cabinet she found some canned lemonade so she got a pitcher and made the delicious drink. Finally, May sat down at the dinning table.

"God, I love you and I praise y-you.. I don't know what your plan is or w-why.. Thank you for this food.. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen," May prays before she begins to eat. It's too quiet to May so she goes to the window above the sink and opens it, letting in a cool breeze and the sound of the waves splashing. Then May sat down and began to eat again.

After a while, May began to clean up the kitchen. She liked cleaning the house up, it gave her something to do other than think. The beach house consisted of a living room, kitchen, den, two bathrooms, and three bedrooms. The basement was where the den was and the attic held one of the bathrooms and bedrooms. The attic had always been May's room. So, with nothing else to clean or do she climbed up the ladder to the attic. May looked around her room. There was a twin bed, nightstand, and a wardrobe. There were posters of Disney stars from when she was 8, duct tape covering her nightstand from when she was 13, and little knick knacks in random places all around the room. May breathed in the familiar smell and flopped on the bed. And finally comfortable, May's mind numb and peaceful, she fell asleep.

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