The Choice

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The last bell rings, signaling the students of Marou High to go home.

Where is my home??

May ponders whether she should go back to the beach house or stay with her Aunt Arriana and Uncle Boe. May really would rather stay alone at the house but.. being alone does sound awful. As May climbs in her truck she decides to go see Aunt Arriana.

Maybe she can give me some adult advice on what's best.


Just as May parked, Aunt Arriana ran out of the house. Aunt Arriana pulled May into her tightest bear hug, kissing her forehead, cheek, etc.

"I was so worried!! I was going to call the cops but your Uncle Boe said I should give you some space and.." Arriana blabbered on.

Why does everyone seem to do that here lately??

"Aunt Arriana," May interrupted.

"-uh.. yes??"

"What happens now?? What happens now that my m-mother.. Where do I go?? Where do I belong??" May began to rant.

You doing it too!!

Oh, shut up.

"Oh May, well.. I figured you would stay with Uncle Boe and me.."

"I-I don't know.. I just kind of wanted to.. Be alone I guess. Live at the beach house, get a job. I mean, I only got two days of school left and then two years before I'm suppose to be on my own anyway.."

"Is that what you want?? Are you sure??" Aunt Arriana asked with worry in her eyes. May thought about it a bit.

"Yes, just as long as I can come over for dinner sometimes or just drop by..??"

"Well of course!! You can come over everyday if you wish! May, I just want what's best for you, okay?? If you change your mind at any time, I'm here okay?? I got a guest room that is all set up. So during the summer or school or whenever! We are here," Aunt Arriana smiled.

Oh, I hope this is the right decision for my niece.

May took a deep breath, "Well then, I guess this is my new life.. The beach house.."

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