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May is running for her life. Aunt Arriana is running along side her but she can't keep up with May's speed. The two hear loud, ferocious footsteps approaching fast. May looks around frantically for a place to hide, knowing they can't outrun their predator. Finally May sees a door to an old, almost caving in building. May grabs Aunt Arriana by the elbow and drags her to the door. As soon as their in May slams the door, breathing hard, ragged breaths. May looks at their surroundings and that's when she sees the creature. It's almost like a huge shadow but made of tar. So as it stands their menacingly, the tar like goop keeps dripping down. May tries to run but then her feet are incased in the goop. The creature reaches out for Aunt Arriana, May tries to yell at the predator to stop but her voice is gone. May can't even try to fight back because by this time the goop has encased everything but her head. Aunt Arriana's skin begins to boil where the goop is touching her and she screams bloody murder. The creature begins to change.. Beginning to look more like a grim reaper but is still made of the shadow-tar like goop. May runs to her aunt who is burnt and bloody as the creature walks over.

"It's time," his deep voice echoes. Somehow May knows he is saying, It's time for Aunt Arriana to die.

"Nooo!!!!!" May screams as she jolts awake, sweating all over. May looks around frantically not knowing where she is. May's eyes adjust and with the help of the dim sunlight through her window, she sees her room. Suddenly everything comes crashing down and May remembers. The hospital, her mother, the funeral, the tears, May sees it all in a flash. Too many thoughts rush to her head, she can't breath. Tears run down her face in a flood and May can't breath. She keeps getting choked up every time she tries. May begins to cough, laying on the bed letting it all come out. After a while, May can finally breath fine. So she lays there, broken and withering and she doesn't know what to do. The thought of getting out of bed is sickening so she just lays there. An eternity passes before May's stomach can't handle the hunger anymore and begins to growl at her.

"Okay, fine, I guess I could make some breakfast," May says glumly, pulling herself out of her bed. On her way to the kitchen, May sees the grandfather clock. 5:00 a.m.

I guess I have enough time to get ready for school..

May finds some chicken noodle soup, pops it in the microwave, and goes back upstairs. Riffling through the wardrobe, May finds some loose and comfortable clothes to put on. May looks grimly at her makeup bag and decides just a touch of waterproof mascara will work. Pulling her hair in a sloppy bun, May walks downstairs and pulls her soup out of the microwave. Finding a thermos, she dumps the soup inside and gathers her things, deciding to drink her soup on the way to school. May is ready by 5:30, grabbing everything, locking the door, and making the two hour drive back home.

This is going to be a long day..


"May!! What's shaken bacon??" Brad runs up cheerfully. Brad figures May has enough people giving her sad and gloomy looks.

May laughs, grateful for Brad, "Oh I just figured I better make an appearance. Kids might get the idea that I'm a dropout."

"Well, sadly your appearance isn't too grand.. There is only three days of school left, no ones coming," Brad jokes.

"So is Tori or West coming today??" May asks.

"Nope, just me and you, honey," Brad says while wrapping an arm around May. Brad looks down at the strongest girl he's ever seen, he can't believe how disposable he has treated her all these years. May looks up at her childhood crush, He always makes me feel better, she thinks while smiling. The two continue to babble on, just feeling comfort in one another. When the first bell rings Brad walks May to her first period.

"See ya later, May," Brad waves slightly walking backwards.

"Bye," May whispers. First period isn't too bad, mostly because May just read's her book. Too soon the bell rings and she gathers her things.

"Hey, are you and Brad going out??" Alex Corone asks running up to May.

"What?? No, why??" May asks Alex confused.

"Well.. Y'all were a little cozy this morning," Alex insinuates.

"We're just friends," May laughs.

"Yeah, friends with benefits," mumbles while walking away. May rolls her eyes and walks to her next class.

"Today, we are going to do an experiment!" Mr. McMurry exclaims excitedly while the class groans.

"Oh don't be that way, we are going to do a short baby experiment!!" The Home Economics teacher tries to get the class enthusiastic.

"Okay, so we are going to predict how your child will look if you get together with someone. So find a partner, this is not a gender specific assignment, and I will then personally show each group how we will do this. Once you find a partner, write your names on the board together, sit beside one another, and I will try to get to you as quick as I can," Mr. McMurry elaborates. May looks around for a partner and sees everyone has pretty much paired up already. But then May sees Aaron War, one of the most often bullied kids at Marou High. May quickly walks over to Aaron.

"Hey, wanna be partners??" May asks with a genuine smile. Aaron looks stunned at first and gives her a look like, Really?? Me, are you sure??

"Soo.. I'll go write our names on the board, that okay??"

"Y-yeah, sure that's.. cool," Aaron stutters. Once May writes their names down she goes to sit with Aaron.

But before she can, "Maaayy! I thought we could be partners!!" Brittany Faith whines while walking over.

"I'm sorry Brittany but I already told Aaron here, we would be," May says and keeps walking.

"Really?! That.. nerd!! Ugh!!" Brittany says while glaring at Aaron.

"That nerd is better than you are any of your fake posse," May replies with a sweet tone in her voice. By this time everyone is silent and staring at the two. But May just ignores the stares and goes on her way. That is until she trips. Tripping on her own feet, May starts going forward but swings her arms so much that before she knows it she is on her back. On her back with everyone laughing.

I couldn't just have a good day.

May pulls herself up, sore all over. With her head held high she finally sits down next to Aaron, holding back tears of pain and embarrassment. May turns to Aaron with a smile.

"So, how is your day going??" May asks.

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