Chapter eight

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The girls hadn't spoken in a few days. They'd even avoided each other which didn't occur very often. During these days, Hermione thought of nothing but of her. She couldn't forget the kiss and realised she didn't want to hide her feelings any longer. "I can't lie to her any longer or our friendship will be destroyed", she finally decided.
The next day, their went to the bathroom at the same time. There was an awkward silence. "Just for your information, Dean and I are a happy couple now", Ginny finally snapped. "He asked me to go out with him and I agreed. I'm pretty sure now he gave me that ring. And then we snogged...oh, I forgot you didn't care!"
Hermione almost started crying. "Don't you get it? It was me me who got you the ring! That's why I didn't want to tell you about the person I fancy! Because it's you! Don't you get it? It's YOU!", Hermione yelled. Ginny seemed slightly taken aback. "You mean...that you are like, gay?", Ginny asked obviously confused. "Yes." Suddenly, Hermione started crying. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know", Ginny said and pulled her into a tight hug. "Can we at least be friends again?", Hermione asked shyly. Ginny laughed and replied: "Of course. Let's be friends again."

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