Let Her Go

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Word count: 3120
Additional characters: brief appearance of Irene's mother, doctors
Additional information: character death
Author: @pabottokhae on AO3


Irene taught her how, Wendy just didn't listen well.


Wendy looked at her through the one-way glass. It was not a sight she wished to see at all. Her girlfriend lying there with some kind of machine connected to her to make sure that her heart was still beating and that she's still breathing. Basically, keeping her alive.

She doesn't have much time left, Seungwan...

Irene's mother's voice replayed in her head and it's not even what she wants to think about right now.

The doctors said it's best if we let her go now...than say our goodbyes when she's—

Wendy closed her eyes and took a deep breath then opened her eyes again to look at her again. It made her heart ache more because she knows what the doctors' said were true but she still can't accept it.

Irene's been in that state for over a year and a half now and she hasn't shown any improvements nor has she woken up at all after the surgery.

It all happened so suddenly. Wendy wondered why Irene hasn't arrived from work yet that night because whenever she came home, Irene would usually already there before her. That night was different, Irene didn't even text her that she'll be late. She had a bad feeling about it.


Hello, is this Son Seungwan?

Yes, it is. Who's speaking?

I'm sorry Miss Son, but...but-

The next words by the guy on the phone didn't make sense to her but she didn't think twice about it and just headed to the hospital the guy told her.

Wendy sighed for the nth time that day. Having her girlfriend's mother telling her it's better to let Irene go now before it's all too late wasn't her best way of starting the day but it's not like she could've avoided it.

It was inevitable, with how Irene has been for the past year and a half. They were keeping her alive, only prolonging not just Irene's but everyone's agony. But Wendy still wished it would come years later and not now.

She sighed. It's inevitable

She mustered up all her strength and entered the room and settled on the chair just beside Irene's bed. The chair Irene's parents sat on each for a very long time that Wendy didn't even bother to time it yesterday and now she can't believe it's her turn.

It's unfair.

She sat there and just looked at Irene, how she tired she looked even if she's only been sleeping all this time and how thin she was now.

Wendy was choking up. She can't do this. She doesn't want to. But does she have a choice? When Irene's parents have already made it for her?

She took a deep breath and cleared her throat afterwards. "Um, hi." She tried, and like many other times she talked to Irene at this state, there was no response.

She pursed her lips and nodded. "So, I guess here I go, huh?" She sighed and then finally started;

"One September night back in 2015, I called you out of the blue because I couldn't think of anyone else to call at that moment. You must've been confused seeing your phone screen light up because of a call from me given the time and that we haven't really seen each other despite being best friends from high school who went to the same university."

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