Softer Than Satin

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Word count: 1307
Author: @taengoose on AO3
Additional information: pillow talk


"You're so cute when you do that, thinking about whatever it is that's on your mind so intensely." Joohyun pauses, the smile on her face widening. "I do hope it had something to do with me, though."

A different kind of heat has Seungwan flushing at once - the kind that stems from embarrassment - and she rolls onto her side, flustered. "People seriously think I'm the flirt when you exist," she mumbles, burrowing into the comfort of the pillow. "Unbelievable."

Joohyun and Seungwan exchange some words.


When it's finally over Seungwan inches away, just enough to create some distance between them, eyes trained on the ceiling. There's constantly little to say in the aftermath, but the need to utter something – just anything – is overwhelming. She bites her lip. It's a little frustrating how words always seem to escape her for every instance she wants to affirm the moment.

Beside her, Joohyun laughs. The sudden sound cuts through the silence that had fallen upon them just minutes ago. Train of thought abruptly lost, Seungwan turns to her with eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

"You." She pats Seungwan's thigh. "You're so cute when you do that, thinking about whatever it is that's on your mind so intensely." Joohyun pauses, the smile on her face widening. "I do hope it had something to do with me, though."

A different kind of heat has Seungwan flushing at once - the kind that stems from embarrassment - and she rolls onto her side, flustered. "People seriously think I'm the flirt when you exist," she mumbles, burrowing into the comfort of the pillow. "Unbelievable."

Joohyun's only response is to giggle even more and move closer, slipping her arms around Seungwan's waist. "It's a side of me only you will ever know. And don't lie, I know you like it. More than you'll admit."

For several seconds Seungwan mulls over that, debating whether to flatly reject the statement or acknowledge defeat. Then she groans, letting her body to curl into Joohyun's warmth. "You're right, I do. But only because I'm 100% sure you won't stop bugging me until I say it," she adds hastily, "so don't misunderstand, this is me getting it over and done with already."

"A victory is still a victory," Joohyun tells her, somewhat smug, and Seungwan's tempted to roll her eyes at the complacency but a light kiss on her nape has her softening. Lips ghost across skin and in the movement she finds wanting more of it, never mind that they'd been at it all afternoon - with Joohyun everything still feels like the first time. She allows her girlfriend to shift her position until they're face to face again, arms still wrapped around her. Instead of the confident smirk that she expects to see there's a gentle smile in place. Seungwan swallows the lump in her throat, noting that same tenderness is also present in Joohyun's eyes.

She knows this look all too well - it's the expression solely reserved for her, shared across years and within moments that feel too short and fleeting to properly savor. Yet again, with Joohyun, everything still feels like the first time. She closes her eyes by reflex and loses herself in the way their mouths eventually meet, reaching out to gently press a palm against the small of Joohyun's bare back. Not as passionate as when she'd been pushed onto this bed about two hours ago, her girlfriend's kisses bruising and overpowering as they'd both tried undressing each other as hurriedly as possible. It's not any less intoxicating though, if encounters with Joohyun are anything to go by. Seungwan's left reeling when they part for air, looking dumbly at her girlfriend who returns her stare with so much fondness she can't help but promptly avert her own eyes.

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